“What’s going on?” she asks, stopping just shy of the doorway.

“It’s the clinic. They have the results.”

Her eyes widen. This is it, the moment of truth, and it’s satisfying to see how freaked out she is. Once the woman on the phone gives us the results, Leah will be so embarrassed she’ll want to crawl under a rock and hide.

I take the clinic off hold and put the phone on speaker so Leah can hear. “Ms. Cobb, thank you for your patience. You were saying you have the results?”

Leah folds her arms, but she no longer looks scared. Instead, she looks oddly calm.

I’ll have to give it to her. If tech doesn’t work out, maybe she can be an actress.

“Yes, Mr. Leadsom. If you’re ready, I’ll read them out for you.”

I nod. “Go ahead.” I keep my eyes on Leah’s face, ready to savor this moment.

“There is a one-hundred percent probability that Jack Leadsom is the biological father of the triplets,” Ms. Cobb reads out.

Leah doesn’t so much as blink.

“Wait.” I must have heard wrong. “What was that again?”

“The test came back positive, Mr. Leadsom,” Ms. Cobb says.

No. That can’t be. She must be wrong.

“That’s impossible,” I hiss. “I had a vasectomy years ago.”

“Yes, sir,” she agrees. “This could be due to a case of late recanalization. I would follow up with your doctor on that.”

Everything in the room is spinning, spinning. I’m going to be sick.

My vasectomy failed?

Why now, years later?

Why with Leah?

Why at all?

This isn’t right. I took the biggest precaution I could, and yet it meant nothing.

“Thank you, Ms. Cobb,” I say, finally finding my voice. “That will be all for now.”

I end the call and slump into my chair, staring blankly at the wall in front of me. I still feel sick to my stomach, and I can’t think straight.

I can’t have kids. That’s as far from my life plans as I can get.

Why the hell is this happening?

“Jack?” Leah says.

I don’t respond.

I have to get out of here.

Standing, I push my chair back and storm out of the room. I don’t know where I’m headed, but I have to get away.