“Of course.”

I can’t afford the however many nannies I’ll need all on my own. And then, when the triplets get older, there will be more expenses to think about.

I’m still excited to welcome them, but I’m also overwhelmed, and it’s not the money part that’s getting me down the most.

Learning that I’m having triplets really drove home the reality of what’s ahead. This new life is one that I should be facing with the support of a partner. Or, at the least, a coparent.

And I have neither one of those.

I’m trying not to feel sorry for myself, but right now it’s really damn hard.

“Have you told your grandparents about the pregnancy?” Leah asks.

“Not yet.”

Truthfully, I’m dreading telling them.

I know they’ll be happy to hear about the babies, but at the same time, they’re bound to worry about me. They’ll probably insist that I move to where they are so they can help me out.

Logically, I know that’s the smart move. But that would mean abandoning GourmetGlobal. That would mean letting Jack win. With me gone, he’ll be free to make every last change that he wants.

“I don’t know how to explain to them that I have to stay here,” I say, taking a sad bite of vanilla ice cream. “That it’s important.”

“Of course it’s important. This is your career. You can’t support these kids without it.”

It’s more than that, though. And she knows it.

I glance over at the young family again, but they’ve already left. Someone new is sitting on their vacated bench.

“You still like him?” Leah whispers.


I say it with such vehemence, such denial, that I realize there is a part of me, deep down, that still longs for Jack.

Which means I must be crazy.

And how do I make sense of that?

Maybe I think that an asshole like Jack is all I deserve. Maybe I have this belief that I can’t do any better.

One thing I do know, though. My children deserve better than a man like him. So Jack has actually done me a favor by rejecting me and these kids months before they’re born.

“I don’t need him,” I say, more to myself than to Taylor.

She nods. “I know you don’t.”

He can deny these babies all he wants. He can call me a liar and even slander me until the end of time.

Nothing will stop me from doing the right thing.

I’ll be the parent the triplets need, and we’ll live our own happily ever after with nothing to do with their jerk of a father.



“What are your plans after Friday’s game?” Owen throws another dart at the board on my office wall.