But then the fire leaves her eyes, and she looks away. “I’ll take the paternity test. But we both know the truth, Jack. The results will show that you are their father.”
Then she turns and walks out, leaving me shaking in anger.
And fear.
Because I’m fucking freaked out.
Leaving my desk, I go to the private bathroom adjacent to my office and splash water on my face. God, this is a clusterfuck.
I’ve never wanted kids. Which is why I took extra precautions to make sure I’d never have them.
Even though Leah is lying, the mere thought of having children makes me feel sick.
The whole family thing doesn’t work out. You might see smiling photos on people’s desks, but the reality of the situation is something completely different.
A man like me doesn’t have time for something like that. I can’t afford for anyone to weigh me down.
Heading back to my office, I stand at the window and stare at the street below, trying to figure out the next steps. I can’t fire Leah without the board’s approval, and I’m not sure I even want to do that.
She’s an asset to this company, and technically, she hasn’t done anything wrong.
Except for try to scam me.
I close my eyes, disappointment and anger washing over me. This situation is a mess, but I’ll make the best of it. After the test comes back, she’ll be so embarrassed she’ll probably never talk to me again.
Which is good. Considering how much she’s disrupted my life, that’s probably exactly what I need.
“You okay?” the nurse asks as she’s drawing my blood.
I force a smile. “Just fine. Thanks.”
With Jack on the other side of the room, I’d rather die than say otherwise.
God, this is so embarrassing. I can’t help but think every person in this clinic feels bad for me. After all, here I am, having a prenatal paternity test.
I’d feel sorry for myself, too.
And damn Jack. I’m furious at him for this whole thing, from his reaction yesterday to the fact that he only gets his cheek swabbed today while I need to have blood drawn.
I knew he probably wouldn’t be thrilled over the pregnancy, but for him to react the way he did was mind-blowing.
As if I would try to trap him with a pregnancy. In the age of paternity tests, that doesn’t even make sense!
For him to insist I’m scamming him and calling him a liar is too much. They were the words that nearly brought me to my knees.
But at least now I’ve seen the real him. All my silly hopes have been swept away, and I’m left with nothing but reality — cold and harsh as it is.
The nurse finishes up, and I get off the chair. Jack’s already standing, looking at his phone, probably trying to prove to me just how much of a waste of his time this is.
As if I ordered the test myself.
We walk down the hallway, and I keep my back ramrod straight and my gaze fixed ahead. Beneath my calm exterior, though, I’m a volcano. If this man says one more insulting thing to me, there’s a good possibility I’ll bite his head off.
At the door, Jack pockets his phone and finally addresses me. “We should have the results back within a few days.”