I grab a test and rush to the counter, my heart pounding in my chest. The cashier gives me a sympathetic smile and rings me up.

As I walk back to my apartment, I try to calm myself down. It’s probably nothing. I’m just overthinking things, and my period is late and I’m nauseous and tired because I’m stressed. But the more I try to reassure myself, the more my anxiety grows.

Finally, I make it home and rush to the bathroom. My hands shaking, I follow the instructions on the box, then put the test on the counter to wait three minutes.

My eyes find my reflection in the mirror.

I look pale and sickly, with dark circles under my eyes. I feel like I’m in a daze, barely able to process my thoughts.

As the three minutes tick by, I take deep breaths in an attempt to calm myself down. But it’s no use. The seconds feel like an eternity.

Finally, the timer goes off. I take a deep breath and steel myself before looking at the test.


I wait for my heart to drop into my stomach, but it doesn’t. I’m pregnant.

And I’m not crying. I’m not terrified.

I’m excited.

A smile spreads across my face. I am going to be a mother. A small life is growing inside of me, and I can’t help but feel grateful. The weight of the world lifts off my shoulders as the happiness spills over me. I run my hand over my belly, and tears prick my eyes.

But there’s Jack, the other part of this equation. The man is a complete asshole — not the person I would have picked to be the father of my child at all.

So what will I do?

I’ve always wanted to be a mother, and even though this isn’t how I imagined it coming to fruition, I’m happy. I just need to figure out Jack.

Then again, this isn’t just up to me. It’s his kid too, and if he wants to be involved, then he will be.

I suck in a deep breath, anxiety washing over me. I don’t want to tell him about this, and at the same time, I’m harboring this fantasy that he’ll be thrilled when he hears the news. That he’ll take me in his arms and tell me that he wants to be with me and the baby, that he wants to be a family.

But that’s not him. The man is cold and might not even have a heart. I need to be realistic.

My front doorbell rings, making me jump. Whatever choice I make when it comes to Jack will have to wait.



Who on earth would be here at this time in the morning? I’m not expecting any packages.

Leaving the bathroom, I pad across the living room and peek through the eyehole. It’s Taylor, carrying a plastic to-go bag.

Composing myself, I open the door. “Hey.”

“Hey, girl. I heard you’re sick. I brought you some soup.” She lifts the bag.

Her kindness nearly floors me.

“Taylor,” I gasp, tears filling my eyes.

“It’s just soup.” She comes into the apartment and sets the bag on the kitchen counter.

But it’s more than “just soup.” All these realizations are rushing at me fast, ever since seeing those lines on the test.

At the top of the list is the fact that I don’t have much of a community or support here in Olympus City.