The shit-eating grin drops off his face. Interpreting that as ten points for me, I stride out of the bar, Taylor right behind me.



Aknock on the door makes me jerk at my desk. Quickly, I close out the tab on the computer and clear my throat.

“Come in.”

The door to my office opens, and Owen pokes his head in. “How’s it going, man?”

“Er… good.” I rack my brain. What’s he doing here?

My CFO gives me a funny look. “We have a meeting,” he says like he can read my mind. “Remember?”

“Right. Of course.”

Nope. I don’t remember at all.

Which is extremely concerning; normally I know my schedule like the back of my hand, and I never forget where I need to be and when I need to be there.

Owen goes to my espresso machine against the wall. “Do you have any of that Ethiopian single origin left?”

“Maybe.” Movement through my glass door catches my eye. It’s Leah, striding down the hall, her hips sashaying. Her hair is pulled back by a blue ribbon, and her top is so low cut it borders on inappropriate.

My dick twitches at the sight of her. I should look away, but I can’t.

And it’s not like I want to. After all, I was looking at her social media profile when Owen knocked on the door.

I’d been trying all morning not to go there, and finally I just gave in and scratched the itch, figuring that once I looked, I would be sated.

Turns out, that’s not the case. The pictures she posted over the weekend of her hiking made me even more curious.

Who took those photos? Was it a man?

Is she dating anyone?

“…The third quarter isn’t where we need it to be,” Owen is saying.

“Huh?” I turn to him, surprised to find him sitting across from me.

“WoofWizard.” He cocks his head. “Its sales aren’t—”

“Oh. Right, right.” I smooth my tie. That’s right. He told me he’d stop by this morning to talk about our dog care app.

“Jack.” He puts his latte on the desk. “You good, man?”

I stare at his mug until he puts it on a coaster. “I’m fine,” I say.

“You seem distracted lately. Is it GourmetGlobal?”

“Why would it be GourmetGlobal?” My chest tightens. I don’t know why, but the idea of anyone finding out just how much I’ve been thinking about Leah is terrifying.

“After we acquired it, it seems your stress levels went up. Am I wrong?”

“It could be that.” I open my email and find the files on WoofWizard that Owen sent me early this morning. “The transition time is always a hard one.”

“Let me know if—”