“We’re on the cusp of greatness.” I give Taylor a pointed look. “GourmetGlobal will not become part of some watered-down corporate umbrella, okay?”

Taylor finally looks convinced. “Okay.” With a nod, she retires to her desk.

Sighing, I close my eyes for a second. The day has only just begun, and already I feel stressed. It sucks feeling like I have to defend my vision to people, but honestly, what did I expect? That’s just part of the territory.

My desk phone ringing makes me open my eyes.

Seeing the front desk number, I pick up. “Yes?”

“Jack Leadsom is on the line for you,” Lake says.

I feel my eyebrows rise. “Let me guess. He’s checking to see if I got the roses.”

“I don’t know. Can you take his call now?”

I hesitate. I have no interest in handing over my company, but I also can’t afford to be rude to one of the biggest tech billionaires in the world.

And the fact that Leadsom himself is calling is pretty flattering. I’d have to be insane to not take the call.

“Put him through,” I tell Lake.

An image flashes through my mind: that of the last photo I saw of Jack Leadsom. It was on the cover of a tech magazine, and when I saw it at the grocery store, I was tempted to buy it.

And not for the article.

Nope. For the pictures.

Because the man is sexy as hell, and everyone knows it. Forty-five years old. A self-made billionaire. Dark brown hair. A strong jaw. Hazel eyes. Muscles for days.

The man seems to have it all.

Swallowing hard, I suddenly realize how nervous I am to speak with him. There’s no time to prepare, though, because a deep, smooth voice is coming through the line.

“This is Jack.”

I take a deep breath, steadying myself. “This is Leah. It’s a pleasure to speak with you, Mr. Leadsom. What can I do for you?”

“Jack,” he corrects. “Please.”

I bite my lip. “Jack.”

“I have to admit, Leah, I’m surprised you even took my call. You’re a hard person to get in touch with.”

“Only when I don’t want to be gotten in touch with.” I lean back in my chair. “I know what you’re calling about, Mr.— Jack. And I’m flattered, but my answer is still no.”

There’s a pause. “I would like to talk about this in person.”

In person? Honestly, what’s the point? Nothing will make me change my mind. I’m not handing over control of my company.

Still. This isn’t the first time Leadsom Inc. has gotten in touch with me, but it is the first time their CEO has.

If Jack Leadsom wants to meet with me in person, that means he’s determined. So perhaps the only way to put an end to this is to have the meeting.

“Sure,” I say, trying to sound casual. “When were you thinking?”

“How about dinner on Friday night? Do you like Italian?”

Dinner? He wants to meet outside of regular work hours?