“Leila!” the barista calls as he puts the iced latte on the bar.
No one responds.
Clearing my throat, I step off the stool I’ve been perched on for the last few minutes while checking my email. “Is it Leah?”
His eyes lock onto mine, and we share a quick moment. “I guess.” He shrugs.
And then the moment’s gone.
Actually, it was never there.
“Thanks.” Suppressing a sigh, I pick up my drink and exit into the bright morning. As I step onto the curb, a handsome man across the street looks right at me and waves.
Heat rushes through me. Lifting my arm, I wave back.
His smile broadens, and he crosses the street, heading right toward me.
I blink, confused but not displeased. Okay, so this must be the universe giving me a present after the botched moment in the coffee shop. This cute guy has noticed me and is coming over to say hello!
Oh, God. Why didn’t I put on any makeup this morning? And my hair! It was damp when I fell asleep last night, and now it’s in a messy bun.
But this guy noticed me. Obviously, he likes what he sees and wants to meet me.
He steps onto the curb, and I smile big, about to say hello, when he walks right past me.
And up to a woman standing behind me.
The smile drops off my face as my heart plummets.
I watch as they embrace, their bodies fitting together perfectly. He kisses her neck, and she laughs, throwing her head back. They’re in love; it’s obvious from the way they look at each other.
I can feel the tears threatening to spill over, but I blink them back. I won’t let them see me cry.
The man catches my eye, and I quickly look away. I don’t want him to see the hurt in my eyes. He doesn’t know me, and he’s probably confused as to why I’m looking at them anyway.
I turn and walk down the street, trying to shake off the disappointment. It’s not like I was expecting anything to happen with the barista or the handsome stranger, but sometimes, it’s nice to imagine what could be.
Crossing the street, I dodge hordes of early morning traffic. Downtown Olympus City is crazy this time of morning, and you’re liable to get trampled if you’re not careful.
Reaching the high-rise my office is in, I open the door and enter the elevator with a few other people.
Home Sweet Home.
That’s what I like to call this place, anyway, since I spend more time here than in my actual apartment.
And maybe I should change that. Obviously, I’m lacking something in life if I mistakenly thought two men were flirting with me in one morning.
But I haven’t been on anything even close to a date in over a year. I’m so out of practice that I’m worried I wouldn’t even know how to talk to someone in that context.
And could I really maintain a relationship? Here in Olympus City, half of the people are married to their jobs. Myself included.
“Hey,” a familiar voice says right next to me.
I blink at Taylor, my Mobile App Lead. Like always, she looks amazing, her makeup perfectly applied and a tight skirt and flowing blouse hanging perfectly off her curves.