“He died years ago.”
Her eyelashes flutter. “I’m sorry.”
“He wasn’t exactly Father of the Year,” I answer. “You don’t need to be sorry. I’m sure he expected my mother to do all the child-rearing. With her gone, he turned me over to a revolving door of nannies.”
Leah’s face falls.
“Don’t feel sorry for me.” I quickly take another bite of my food. “My needs were met.”
The waiter appears to take away our plates, and it’s a welcome break in talking. Hopefully, I can now pivot the conversation to something more fun.
Before I can speak, though, Leah beats me to the punch by reaching across the table and touching my hand. “I know we only just met, but thank you for sharing that with me.”
I nod in response, not trusting myself to speak. The air between us is heavy with a mixed bag of emotions, and I’m not sure what to do or say to ease the tension. It’s not like me to share about things like this, and I’m a little unnerved.
“Would you like to get out of here?” I ask Leah. “We could go to a bar, or…”
I turn my hand over so that our fingertips are brushing. “I would love to have you over to my place.”
Normally, such an invitation goes over very well with the ladies. Leah is hard to read, however. And as much as I like the challenge, it also scares me.
Because she might turn me down.
And I’m not freaked out because that’s unusual for me. I’m freaked out because there’s something special about this woman, and I need her in my arms so badly I think I might combust if it doesn’t happen.
The longest moment goes by, and she finally grins at me. “Your place sounds good.”
As I follow the GPS directions to Jack’s house, my heartbeat picks up.
This is crazy.
Inevergo home with a guy I just met. Tonight, though, it feels so right.
So natural.
The GPS tells me to turn right, and I follow Jack’s car up to a stone wall with a gate in the driveway. A security guard leans out of a small building and waves. The gate opens, and Jack’s expensive convertible glides through.
I follow behind, feeling a little awkward. Does the security guard see a lot of women coming through these gates on Friday nights?
I shake my head. It doesn’t matter.
I’m here tonight to have fun and cut loose. I don’t care what else Jack does in his life; that’s his business.
For once, I’m taking a page out of Taylor’s book. And it’s long overdue.
Hearing Jack talk about himself at dinner made me realize how boring I am, and I hate that. It’s time to live it up a little before I die.
And what better way to do that than to accept a handsome billionaire’s invitation to his home?
It’s not like we’ll ever see each other again after this since I’ve firmly declined his business offer. So in that sense, the situation is perfect.
I follow his car up the sloping driveway, past perfectly manicured gardens. At the top of the hill, we reach a literal mansion with a fountain in the middle of the driveway.