Movement out of the corner of my eye catches my attention. It’s Jack, standing there watching me with a raised eyebrow.
Instantly, I stiffen. Having him catch me in a weak moment like this is definitely less than favorable.
Even worse, he’s walking up to my open window — probably to make a rude remark.
“Not now,” I growl at him.
He stops and smirks. “Excuse me for being concerned about my employee.”
That makes my teeth grit. It’s torture to remember how I used to like this man, how I briefly dreamed about what a happy future with him would look like.
“Just leave me alone, Jack.” I look away, waiting for him to leave.
But he doesn’t. He just stands there. Looking at me.
I purse my lips. “I’m late for my doctor’s appointment, and my car isn’t starting.”
His eyelashes flutter. “I can drive you.”
I stare at him. No way did he just offer that.
We haven’t spoken in weeks, and now he wants to give me a hand?
Bullshit. Something is up.
“What happened to you treating me like I’m a disease?” I ask.
He looks down. Do I detect some shame there?
No. Surely not. Jack Leadsom is incapable of such an emotion.
“We can have our differences,” he says, “but you’re still late to your appointment.”
Differences? So that’s what he’s calling his treatment of me?
Wow. Just when I think this guy can’t hit any lower…
“I ordered a car.” I look away.
“When will it be here?”
I check my phone. Now, for some reason, the car is twelve minutes away.
I sigh. “Fine.”
I can’t believe I’m doing this. It’s a mistake to accept his offer. I know that. It’s going to kill me to be in the same vehicle as him.
But I don’t have much of a choice at the moment, do I? Ultrasounds are hard to book at this clinic. I might have to wait weeks if I miss today.
And so I follow Jack to his expensive sports car, where he opens the door for me. I get in, careful to avoid looking at him. Just because he’s giving me a ride doesn’t mean I’m going to change my approach to him.
And I definitely will remain unaffected by him.
“Ready?” he asks.
I’ve barely buckled up before he grins in a devilish way and tears ass out of the parking lot. The jolt of adrenaline ignites a rush of heat between my legs, and it takes all my strength to not stare at the wind whipping his thick hair and his perfect, chiseled profile.