I nodded. "It is. It's overdue, in fact. " I slipped my arm through my mother's. We emerged onto the back porch of a lavish beach house that the bridal party used to get ready. Just steps away from that porch, the wedding was taking place on the beach. Just a few more feet, and I would be on my literal path to my future.
Penny stepped out in front of us, making her way down the aisle to the sound of a catcall—from Leo, of course.
Spencer and I had opted to have our wedding on the beach. Much more casual than anybody had suspected of him, but he told me that he would get married in Vegas, he'd get married in a drive-through, or he would get married in a potato sack. He didn't care as long as he got married to me. So, I got to have my dream beach wedding, with my simple dress flowing over my curves, and my long veil whipping in the sea breeze.
I watched nervously as Penny made her way down the aisle, and only then did I allow myself to lay eyes on Spencer. I knew that if I had done it sooner, then I wouldn't have been able to contain myself. But seeing him there in his relaxed, white suit, grinning at me and watching me hungrily, I couldn't help the grin that overtook my face.
He was so goddamn gorgeous, and seeing the way his shoulders filled out that suit just made me all the more anxious for the wedding night. I couldn't wait for him to give me orders to fulfill as his official wife.
I saw the heat turn up in his gaze about ten notches as I made my way down the aisle, as he probably sensed where my mind had headed.
"Ava?" my mother asked in my ear in a loving voice. "Is it too late to give you the birds and the bees talk?"
I held back a snort. "Way too late for that, Ma."
She laughed softly. "That's my girl."
I finally made it to him, and he reached for me. Just feeling his hands clasping around mine made me feel instantly comfortable.
Which was a plus because I'd been so nervous about our vows. Still, when the preacher prompted me, I managed to remember the words that I had been rehearsing for weeks now and got them out without too much shakiness, but my composure threatened to unravel completely when Spencer said his.
He looked me in the eye, and it was as if we were the only two people there when he said, "Ava, I had no idea I was waiting for you all this time, but as it turns out, I needed you to learn how to enjoy this life, to learn how to love, to learn how to reclaim all the things I loved before. It's in you that I finally found comfort, warmth, and understanding, and I will forever be grateful to you for that. You've brightened my life, and I vow to spend the rest of my life trying to brighten yours and loving you beyond all measure."
So much for not crying. The tears streaked down my cheeks at his words, and I was bursting at the seams, waiting for the preacher to officially pronounce us man and wife. When he finally said that Spencer could kiss the bride, I lunged at Spencer, kissing him for all he was worth to the backdrop of applause, laughs, and "yucks" from my brothers and the rest of the audience.
After we walked back down to the aisle while everyone clapped, we snuck away for a few minutes before hitting up the reception area, officially as Mr. and Mrs. Ashbury.
And I was grateful for the moment alone. "Well, Mrs. Ashbury, how does it feel to be my wife now?" Spencer asked, pulling me into his arms.
"It feels unexpected and…right."
He looked at me with lustful and love-filled eyes. "I couldn't agree more. You have been the perfect surprise of my life, Ava Ashbury, and I love you."
I smiled at him. "I don't think I'll ever get tired of hearing that, and I love you more, Duke." Yanking him down to me by the back of his neck, I laid a kiss on him that broadcasted my plans for later, and for the rest of our lives.