There it was again, the faintest of whimpers, and then a muffled…buzzing noise? My heart pumped dangerously as I drifted down the hallway as if in a dream. She couldn’t be, not now. But God did I want her to be doing it more than anything.
I hovered near her door, straining to hear the soft pants, my cock stiffening and straining against my pants. It didn’t want to be there, it wanted to be buried inside of Ava where it belonged.
That thought gave me pause, and I found myself backing soundlessly away until I was pacing the kitchen floor, running my hands through my hair, unable to figure out what to do with myself.
I had never known frustration or desire of this level before, and it was killing me to stay away. And that was when I heard it: a cry. A cry of anguish. Something could be wrong; she could need me.
I rushed to the back bedroom, not even bothering to knock and just bursting into the room. “Ava! What’s wrong?”
But what met my eyes had me seeing red and damn near every other color in the rainbow. It was like my brain short-circuited when I saw sweet Ava, laid out on her bed, her thighs spread as she dipped that damn purple vibrator into her visibly wet pussy.
She let out a shriek, her naked chest heaving, her skin flushed all the way down to the hard nipples that were practically begging for my mouth to suck on them.
“Spencer!” she said, scrambling to a sitting position and haphazardly covering herself with a sheet, but in her haste, she was unsuccessful, and I was still getting a beautiful eyeful.
I didn’t know what possessed me to move further into the room, but nothing, and I meant nothing, could have torn my eyes from Ava’s flushed face and wide, nervous eyes as she watched me come closer. “Spencer,” she said again breathlessly, “oh, my God, this is so embarrassing—”
“You cried out,” I said in a low voice. “I thought you might be hurt, or something might be wrong. I thought you might need me.”
She was still breathing hard, watching me with a mixture of mortification and curiosity. “I-I’m sorry, I don’t know what came over me. I just, I don’t know, I should have been quiet. I should have waited until you were asleep or something,” she rushed out.
“No. No,” I said succinctly, moving to the foot of the bed, inhaling the musky aroma of her desire in the air, and it took everything in me not to come in my pants right then.
“No,” I said again, “you are not going to apologize, and you are not going to be sorry or embarrassed…but I will tell you what you will do.”
Those nervous eyes turned to molten lava pools of desire at my words.
She swallowed hard, managing to get out in a ragged voice, “You-you’re going to tell me what to do?”
Leaning over the foot of the bed, I wrapped my fingers around one of her smooth ankles. “That’s right, sweet Ava,” I practically purred as I tugged at her ankle, straightening her leg out until the sheet rode up, only barely covering her center. “You’re going to lay back down, just like I found you, and you’re going to take your toy and pleasure yourself again—except this time, I’m going to help you.”
Chapter thirteen
After the insanely embarrassing debacle of the night before, I hadn’t dared touch myself after my kiss with Spencer. My body was hurting for a release, but I’d forced myself to go to sleep frustrated, my penance for getting myself into this ridiculous situation in the first place.
That was what got me out of bed early, furiously working on my sculpture. I had to get this energy out somehow, and when Spencer had appeared at my door, I had blocked my creation protectively. The last thing his big head needed was the knowledge that he was being immortalized in clay.
But after a surprisingly pleasant evening together with my family, I could barely hold back anymore. There was something so intimate about having him right next to me, pretending to be the “chosen one” I’d finally brought to a family dinner. I could almost believe that we were a couple myself as the evening wore on, and then, I started thinking about what would happen for a real couple after a night with the family. They might talk and laugh about my brothers’ shenanigans, then head home and relax into one another’s arms. It all seemed too intimate, and then of course, despite my best efforts, my mind was immediately drawn back to the incident with the vibrator.
Maybe, just maybe, if I was really quiet, I could get some relief. I was in the back bedroom, after all, and Spencer appeared as if he would be in the front living area working for a while.
But then, once I got into it, I couldn’t stop the moans from escaping. It was like someone else had taken over, and I just had to hope that no one would hear.
The burn of mortification threatened to swallow me alive when Spencer stepped into the room, full of heat and using that “not taking no for an answer” tone as he informed me that he would be “helping” me.
I should tell him to get the hell out, as him barging into my room was a total invasion of privacy, but seeing him there before me, taking me in like he was about to feast upon his last meal and I was the chosen entrée, felt intoxicating.
Feeling that desired was so overwhelming and so hot that the words came out before I could think it over. “Okay,” I replied, shaking beneath the loose grasp he had around my ankle. His fingers tightened possessively at my response, and his eyes lit up.
Uttering out a “good girl,” he directed me to return to the position he’d found me in. His hand reached out in a flash and snatched the sheet from my body, revealing everything all at once.
Stubbornly, I fought the urge to cover myself, glad that I did as I followed his hungry eyes taking in every detail of my body.
I suppressed a shiver when he licked his lips. “Where’s your toy, Ava?” he asked roughly, and I scrambled to grab it from behind my back, where I’d shoved it in a panic when he’d first walked in.
He sent me a wicked smile, biting his lip before he instructed. “Turn it on, and show me what you were doing before I walked in.”