Page 55 of Before I Love You

“You thought right.” Jade shoves her phone into her pocket before turning her attention toward me. “So, whyare you still standing here? We’ll never forgive you if we don’t get our baby brother soon.”

“Or sister. We wouldn’t mind a sister either,” Love chimes in, giggling softly.

“But what about you two? I can’t just leave you here alone.”

“Did you forget Uncle Vance is in the kitchen, stuffing his face?” Jade huffs. “Besides, we’re fourteen, not five. Auntie Selina texted me to see if Love and I wanted to join a hip-hop class she’s having today.”

“Okay, grab your stuff. I can give you both a ride.”

“Not necessary.” Jade winks at me before bellowing her uncle’s name. It only takes a few seconds before he appears in the doorway.

“You rang?” Vance questions as he winks at Love from across the room.

“You’re taking both of us to the dance studio for hip-hop class while my dad goes to talk to Audrey.”

“Did something happen?”

“Not yet, but he needs to get to my mom before she talks herself into doing something stupid and breaking all our hearts.”

“Sounds serious.”

“Very,” Jade and Love say in unison.

“Okay, then. Do what you gotta do, Connor. I got our girls.”

“Thanks, Vance.”

“Anytime,” he replies.

I give both girls a quick hug and shove my feet intomy boots before running out the door and hopping into my truck.

Downtown, I find a parking spot easily but am surprised to see Bristol standing outside the door. “I thought Audrey was covering your classes today?” I question as I shut off the car, a feeling of dread slowly creeping in.

“She was supposed to, but I was feeling better, so I came in.”

“I’m glad.” I can feel something is off, but I don’t want to press her for any information.

“I see the wheels turning in your head, Connor. I know what happened, but I won’t betray her confidence.” Bristol grimaces. “Just be careful with her. She’s been hurt so many times. I don’t know if she knows what it’s like to be cherished by someone.”

“Love explained everything to me. I don’t quite understand it all, but I’m hoping I’m not too late.”

Bristol stares at me for a few moments before sighing loudly. “Honestly, I don’t know. Good luck.” She smiles as I stride past her.

I reach for the door and pull it open; the small bell chimes, signaling my arrival. Audrey is cleaning something in the back of the studio. “Hello, Audrey.”

Her shoulders tense slightly, but she refuses to acknowledge my arrival. “Are you going to ignore me?” I wait a few moments, but still no answer.

Bristol’s words from earlier filterinto my mind. Audrey is afraid of the emotions we shared last night. “Did you get my message from earlier?”

“Is there something wrong with Love? With Jade? Did something happen?” Her eyes widen as she drops the broom.

“Everything is fine, love,” I stride toward her, wrapping her hands in mine. “I just wanted to know what the plan was for the rest of the day. Jade and Love made the executive decision that they’re going to dance class at Selina’s place this afternoon.”

“Thank goodness.” She sighs before pulling her hands from my grasp and picking up the broom to continue her cleaning.

“Why did you really leave this morning?”

“I told you, Bristol called because she was sick. Thanks for letting Love hang out at your house. I know she’s a teenager, but I still worry about her being home alone,” she replies, looking everywhere but into my eyes.