Page 53 of Before I Love You

Suddenly, my phone vibrates in my hand, startling me. I juggle the phone in my hand a few times before finally glimpsing the number on the screen.

“Hey, Squirt. You’re up early.” I smile. A pang of disappointment passes through me that it’s not Audrey calling.

“Hey, Dad. How are you?”

“Fine. How are you?”


“Is that all you called for, or is there something else you want to ask?” I chuckle, plopping down on the end of my bed.

We sit in silence for a few minutes, waiting for the other to speak before Jade breaks the silence.

“Fine. Is it okay for us to come home yet? Uncle Vance said that you and Audrey might be getting busy.”

The fuck?I’m going to need to have a conversation with my best friend. But he isn’t wrong. If Audrey hadn’t gone to work, there’s no telling what state of undress we’d be in right now. The last thing we’d want is to be caught by one or both of our girls.

“Not that it’s any of your business, but you can comehome whenever you want. Audrey went to Nurture Space to teach a class for Bristol this morning.”

“Great. Uncle Vance will bring us back to the house now.”

“Okay, see you soon. Love you.”

“Love you, too, Dad.”

I quickly hang up and stare at my phone. Audrey probably would want to know where Love is, right? I doubt she would have texted her early this morning, knowing how much her daughter loves her sleep. I should call her to let her know our plans. At least that’s what I’m going with.

I dial her number and wait for an answer. Unfortunately, it goes right to voicemail. I debate about hanging up but leave a voicemail just to let her know what’s going on and that I am thinking about her.

“Hey! If you hear this message, I’m teaching a class or ignoring you. I’ll call you back when I can if I want to speak to you. Bye.” Audrey’s beautiful voice cuts off right before the tone.

“Hey, beautiful! Just wanted to hear your voice. I know it sounds lame, but it’s the truth. Don’t worry about Love. Vance is bringing the girls back to my house. If you could shoot me a text and let me know what the game plan is, I’d appreciate it. Oh, and I miss you. Bye.”

“Really smooth there.” I chuckle as I hang up the phone, hoping now that I’ve heard her voice, I can stop obsessing over everything.

I grab my laundry basket and figure it’stime to get the laundry done. The pile is almost as big as I am. Might as well get a head start on it. I’m heading back downstairs toward the laundry room when both girls come barreling through the front door.

I don’t even have time to brace myself as both girls slam into me, one on each side, wrapping their arms tightly around my waist. I drop the basket and wrap my arms around their shoulders, planting kisses on the top of their heads.

“Were you sitting in the driveway when you called?”

“Not exactly, but we were already halfway here when I thought about checking first.” Vance chuckles, rubbing the back of his neck.

“Thanks for taking the girls last night.”

“Anytime. I love spending time with my nieces.”

Love pulls back slightly, her eyes widening in surprise as she looks at Vance. “Nieces?”

“Yes, nieces. You’re part of the family now. Remember? Fungus.” Jade releases her grip around my waist and reaches for Love’s hand, giving it a small squeeze.

“Yup. Fungus,” she whispers, burying her nose in my side.

“Hey, Squirt. I’m starving. Why don’t we go see what your dad has to eat in this place?” Vance says, motioning his head toward Love.

“Sure,” Jade replies, her eyebrows pulled down in concern as she releases her grip around my waist and follows her uncle into the kitchen.

“Hey, Little Bit. What’s got you so upset suddenly?”