Page 21 of Before I Love You

“See? It’s not my fault. The only people I’ve had movie nights with were my uncle Vance and my dad.”

“I highly doubt that. You’re so outgoing. You probably have people lining up to hang out with you on the weekends,” Audrey chimes in, running her hand across the back of Jade’s head.

“You’d be surprised,” Jade huffs, her shoulders sagging slightly. “I like to dance to my own drum, which makes me not so popular with the kids at school.”

“The kids at school suck.”

“You don’t even know them.”

“I don’t need to. They are mean to you, so they suck.” Love throws her arm over Jade’s shoulder, pulling her in for a quick hug. “But screw them. You have me now. We can have all the sleepovers and movie nights we want. Right, Mom?”

“Of course.” Audrey smiles softly down at the girls before wrapping them both in her arms. “I’m so glad you two have each other.”

“Me, too,” I replies, my eyes locked on Audrey.

“And what is your favorite movie, Connor?” she comments, quickly changing the subject.

Jade cackles loudly as Audrey and Love look at her in confusion. “Oh, this is going to be hysterical. Go ahead, Dad. Tell them what your favorite movie is.”

“The Princess and the Frog,” I say with conviction, watching both girls break out in peals of laughter again.

“I can’t believe that’s your favorite.” Audrey’s eyes shine with mirth as she brings the can of soda to her lips.

My eyes lock on her lips as she takes a healthy sip of her soda before licking her lips clean. I shake my head, trying not to continue down this line of thinking, but my eyes remain focused on her as she takes another sip, and the muscles in her neck tighten as she swallows the cold liquid down her throat.

“Don’t knockThe Princess and the Frog.Not only did I have to watch it a million times with Jade when she was younger, but the music is amazing.” I chuckle as I grab a pillow off the couch and place it on my lap, trying to cover my desire for her. Slow. We need to take things slow, for both our sakes.

“You’re so weird, Dad.” Jade rolls her eyes before turning to Love. “See, now is my favorite movie weird?”

“Nope, not at all.” Love places her paper plate on the table, holding her hand out to Jade. “Let’s ditch these two and head upstairs to my room. Maybe you can help me figure out where to put all my stuff.”

“I thought you’d never ask.” Jade smiles before turning toward me. “Is that okay?”

“Of course, Squirt.” I chuckle as she scowls in my direction before following Love out of the room and up the stairs.

“Alone at last.” I chuckle, turning slightly on the couch, causing our knees to brush against each other. Her posture straightens slightly before relaxing, as if she was preparing for me to pounce on her. As her eyes flick to mine, I smile slightly, wanting to put her at ease. “Time to ask some more personal questions.”

From the small bits of information I’ve gotten out of Audrey, she hasn’t had the best of luck when it comes to love. She needs someone who’s willing to show her how much she means to them, not a man trying to get his dick wet and move on. I know that’s not the type of guy I am, but Audrey doesn’t know me from Adam. No matter what happens between the two of us, Audrey needs someone she can depend on, and I plan on being that person.

“Have you lived in Tyson’s Creek your entire life?” Audrey asks, breaking me from my thoughts.

“What?” I recoil from her question, as if she threw a bucket of ice-cold water on me.

Audrey expects this to be an easy question for me to answer, but that’s not the case. I’ve spent my entire life here with Lydia. The last thing I want to do is make Audrey feel as if she might be a replacement for my wife, but she is a huge part of me. One that I don’t plan on forgetting just because I’m interested in another woman.I want to tell Audrey everything, but I don’t want to send her running in the opposite direction.

“I grew up here.”

I send up a silent prayer that she’ll accept that as an answer, but of course, she won’t settle for anything but the entire truth.

“You can talk about your wife, you know. I know you grew up together. No one should expect you to forget about her just because she’s no longer here.”

“You’re very perceptive,” I respond, lifting her legs and placing them in my lap. “I just don’t want you to think…” My voice trails off, unable to find the right words to explain what I’m thinking.

“That you’re looking for someone to be her.”

“Yes.” I sigh in relief. “I like you, Audrey. Probably more than I should, after only knowing you for a few days, but I will always love my wife. She was my first love, the mother of our daughter, and she will always have a piece of my heart.”

“I understand,” she replies softly.