Page 91 of Seriously Pucked

“Nothing,” Alexsei says. He finally flags the bartender down. “You’ve earned the right to just ride the wave, especially after the season we’ve had. Dave, my man, a Coors Light for the Racketeers MVP, please. Put it on my tab.”

That perks me up a little. “I can’t wait for the playoffs. We’re going to destroy those pussies. Top scoring team in the league right here.” I point between me and him.

“You are the hat trick whore.”

I grin. “Jealous?”


But he doesn’t sound jealous. He sips his woodsy beer and glances around the room, scanning.

I know what he’s doing. Looking for a hot chick to potentially hook up with. Which makes me happy because he’s been sniffing around my sister recently and I’m not sure how I feel about that.

I also notice something that makes me double-take. Cameron has his hand on Alexsei’s thigh. Like,onit, on it.

What the hell? Fuck it. I just don’t have time to finesse the question. “Are you two heretogether?” I ask.

They exchange an amused look.

“We did arrive together and we are going back to the same apartment together,” Cameron says. “Take that how you want.”

“But…” I knit my brow together. I look pointedly at Cameron’s hand.

“But what?” Alexsei asks, meeting my eyes directly.

And I just know. They aretogether.

Okay, then.

“I’ve seen you with women. Both of you,” I say.

“Says the dude in a poly relationship. Yes, I date women. And Cam and I have shared women.”

“That’s actually the way I prefer women,” Cameron says, letting his hand fall away before pushing his glasses up on the bridge of his nose. “Together.”

Alexsei nods. “Nothing hotter than that, seriously.”

“But the two of you are also into each other?”

They exchange a look, then Alexsei looks at me. “Yes.”

“Why don’t I know that about you?” It feels like I should have noticed that before.”

They exchange another look that leads me to believe there’s something simmering beneath the surface that they’re not intending to share with me. Then Alexsei cracks a grin toward me.

“Maybe because you mostly pay attention to yourself,” he says. “It’s McNeill’s world and we’re all just living in it.”

He’s ripping on me and it’s a joke. But he’s also serious.

It hits me hard.

Maybe he’s right. Maybe I’ve just been living in my own fucking world and not seeing what the three people I’m in a relationship with want or need.

I grab Alexsei’s beer and take a huge swallow. I grimace. “That’s horrible.”

“Then don’t let other people tell you what you might like,” Alexsei says, retrieving his beer. “Decide for yourself what’s right for you.”

I sigh and accept my Coors Light from the bartender with a thanks. “You may be a mediocre defenseman but you’re a wise man, Ryan. You make a lot of fucking sense.”