Page 38 of Seriously Pucked

I know that voice. Nathan's here.

I'm sitting on the edge of the exam table, but I have my eyes closed. The lights hurt.

I hear the sound of shuffling feet as people leave the room, and the door shut.


I crack an eye open. Nathan never calls me Crew. He calls me McNeil. "Hey, Boss."

I can see the concern on his face. "Are you alright?"

"They didn't tell you?"

He walks further into the room, his hands tucked into the pockets of his dress pants. "Yeah, they gave me the official report. Groin strain, concussion. But that’s not you telling me. Are you alright?"

I managed to pry both eyes open. Now I realize I'm looking at my friend. The guy I live with. The guy who shares the woman I'm in love with. Not the owner of my team. Not my boss.

"Not really," I tell him, honestly. "I hurt like hell. And with me down for a couple games, it might be rough. Sorry."

"Don't be. The hit was illegal as fuck. Not your fault."

"I'm actually thinking more than I'm sorry about not being able to unpack my bedroom, or finish putting that table together downstairs."

Nathan gives me a half grin and shakes his head. "Like I really thought you were going to unpack the rest of your room in the next six months, anyway."

See, this makes me feel better. "They’re going to let me go home, right?"

Nathan nods. "I'll be sure of it."

"You're going to have to babysit me."

Nathan's eyebrows arch. "I'm aware."

"I'm not a very good listener."

Nathan rolls his eyes. "Also very aware of that."

"It's just you and me, Boss. That kind of does suck. Sorry."

He nods. "It's okay. I’ve got you."

I let my eyes slide shut again. "Thanks."

"But before you relax too much, your girlfriend is blowing up my phone."

My heart flips in my chest. "She okay?" I ask. Without opening my eyes.

"Not really. She saw you go down. And when she called me, I couldn't tell her much. I think she needs to hear your voice. You up for that?"

I hold my hand out. "Always."

“You will tell her you’re okay.”

“But I could get some real sweet attention and lovin’ out of this,” I say.

“McNeill.” Ah, there’s his boss-voice. “Youwilltell her you’re okay. She doesn’t need to be freaking out when she’s so far away. Especially because you’re fine.”

“Yeah. I’ll make her feel better.”