Page 2 of Seriously Pucked

She’s definitely not a one-man woman.

I’m thrilled she’s happy. But damn, my hockey team star makes my girlfriend act like a little kid sometimes and they drive me a little nuts.

“We’re not done unpacking!” I call to them. “No playing until we’re done!”

Crew pulls Danielle up beside him and says something in her ear. She grins and calls out to me, “Please, Nathan? Just for a little bit? Ipromisewe’ll be good later.”

Crew says something else to her and she laughs.

“Okay,I’llbe good later,” she says flirtatiously.

Right. She’s trying to use the I’ll-be-your-good-girl-Nathan to get away with something. And Crew thinks that will helphimget away with something.

And…they’re probably right.

Because I do really fucking like it when Danielle is my good girl. And I like it even more when sheowesme for something.

Val laughs, watching my face as I grit my teeth and narrow my eyes.

“Where’s Michael?” I ask.

He’s a lot better at making them both behave. Because I just get frustrated. And I’m easily led around by my dick with our woman.

Michael is the more reasonable one.

“He’s unpacking the kitchen,” Crew says, his arm around Danielle, who he’s finally allowed to stand on her own feet.

“Does he know you’re fucking around and not working?” I ask.

“I mean…he probably assumes, right?” Crew asks.

I take a step closer to the brick front steps. “Let me put it this way,” I finally say. “If all your shit isn’t put away by bedtime tonight…you’re sleeping on the couch.”

Do I sound like I’m trying to lay down rules with a child? I do. And it’s not entirely inaccurate.

Does it sound stupid that I’m telling a grown man where he has to sleep?

Yes. But he’s assuming he’s going to sleep inmybed…which I’ll have to make, which I also hate.

I blow out a breath.

I guess it’sourbed.

We have a big, huge-assed bed—custom made and also fucking expensive—that we’re all intending to share in the biggest bedroom in the house.

We all have our own spaces when we need alone time, but now that we’re sharing a house, the sleeping arrangements are…together.

All together.

Every night.

I’ll admit that I’ve had a couple of second-thoughts.

But I can absolutely fuck Danielle in the shower, on the couch, in the kitchen…or in that damned bed by ourselves any time I want without the loneliness that comes when she stays over at Crew’s or Michael’s …so it will be fine.

And it can definitely work to threaten Crew.

“Does that go for Dani too?” Crew asks. “Because she hasn’t unpacked her boxes either.”