Page 28 of Seriously Pucked

When we’re alone-ish, he faces me. “I wasn’t upset with you. I was frustrated that the situation wasn’t easier for you. For us. I was hoping we’d slide easily into this setting as a couple.”

“A couple like all your friends are,” I fill in.

He nods. “But that’s not fair. This is new for you. For us. So I’m upset with myself for thrusting you into a social situation with total strangers. Also, for wishing that people could just mind their own damn business and not have an opinion about our relationship. And for being jealous when you were texting Nathan.”

“How did you know it was Nathan?”

“I glanced down and saw your screen.”

“I see. You’re feeling jealous?” I ask, actually confused. My guys are never jealous.

He steps forward and takes a breath. “Yes.”

My eyes go wide. I didn’t expect him to feel it, but Ireallydidn’t expect him to admit it. “You are? That’s…that doesn’t happen.”

He lifts a hand. “Of course it does. We don’t get jealous about the physical stuff. We all love seeing you with the others because it makes you free and happy and satisfied in a way thatyouneed. And that’s so fucking hot and gorgeous. It givesusall something we can’t get anywhere else.Weall need you to be all of those things. Because we love you. And we’re not jealous when we’re all together emotionally. When we’re at home together, or at Christmas, or for Crew’s birthday. But when we’re split up and one of us has your attention beyond the physical, it’s very easy to be jealous of someone else having all your emotions and attention and energy.”

“I…” I frown, thinking about all of that. “I didn’t know that.” I suppose it makes sense.

“I wanted your attention tonight. But I put you in a situation where you were uncomfortable and Nathan was the one to make you feel loved and secure. I’m jealous of that.”

“I didn’t want to be with him instead of with you,” I quickly assure Michael. “I just felt…left out, I guess. I don’t know those people and you were so tuned into them, but I had no way to contribute. Everyone is older than me, and everyone works in fields I know nothing about. I was feeling off-kilter. So yes, when Nathan checked in, it made me feel good. He’s familiar and makes me feel special. And then you were touching me, but it seemed like it was just out of habit and…” I trail off as Michael’s eyes flare with…something. Heat? Anger?

“Why was Nathan texting you?”

I wet my lips. “He misses me.”

Michael nods. “Of course he does. They both do. You know that. What else?”

“He asked what we were doing.”

Michael moves in closer. “What else, Dani?”

I lift my chin. I have a right to text the men I love, dammit. “He was telling me what he’d be doing if he was the one sitting next to me. And it wouldn’t just be resting his hand on my knee.”

Michael’s eyes darken. “He was texting you about finger-fucking you under the table?”

My brows rise. I don’t have to confirm it. “And then you pulled your hand away when I tried to move it up my leg.”


Crap. He almost never calls me Danielle. I feel like I’m in trouble. I meet his eyes.

“I love you. I respect you. I think you are beautiful, inside and out, and charming and delightful, and I want to have you with me all the time. I also love fucking you. I love making love to you. I love having my hands all over you any chance I get. The fact that I didn’t have my hand up under your skirt at a professional dinner has nothing to do with how I feel about you or how much I want you.” His jaw tightens for a moment. “No matter whatNathantexts to you, says to you, or even does to you.”

I swallow. Then nod. He’s right. “I know that. I’m sorry I got carried away with Nathan.”

He studies my eyes for a long moment. Then he nods. “You’re all mine tonight.”


“Allmine, Danielle. And I want everything.”

“It’s yours.”

“Yes,” he says, his voice low, firm, and gruff. “It is.”

I give him a little smile. “We can even start in the elevator.”