Page 103 of Seriously Pucked

He doesn't seem surprised by her reaction, either. "It doesn't mean I don't love you. It doesn't mean that I'm going anywhere. But…can I have a little time?"

She nods. “Yes. Of course. I mean, it doesn’t really change anything. Does it?”

He shakes his head. “I don’t think so.”

Then they all three look at me.

And I step firmly, and without pause, back into my role in our family. I'm the calm one, the rock, the one with the right words in these emotional moments.

"Crew, even though we are a foursome, we are still four distinct people. We all have our own hopes and dreams, personalities, and ways of looking at the world. That doesn't have to change. Just because Nathan and I are in a different place in our lives and are ready for this, doesn't mean that you have to be. And just because the three of us are ready to take this next step right now and you’re not, doesn't mean that you can't still be a part of us."

Crew takes a deep breath and nods. "I would actually love nothing more than to watch the three of you have a commitment ceremony. That would be amazing. You are three of my very favorite people. Probably my three favorite people, if I'm honest, but if you tell my mom that, I’m denying it.” He gives us a lopsided grin. Then sobers slightly and says, “Knowing the two of you are committed for life to my girl…” He trails off and chuckles. “It’s fucking crazy but I love that. I know I’ll never have to worry about Dani with you two loving her.”

He looks at her. "It's not likeanyof this has been traditional or typical, so I guess I’m just going to say it out loud. I don't mind if you marry Michael and Nathan right now and you and I just wait." He winces. "Damn, that still sounds so fucking weird." He shakes his head. “My mother is going to kick my ass.” He groans. “Mysisteris going to kick my ass.”

Dani laughs lightly and puts her hand to his face. "It might sound weird, but it doesn'tfeelweird. Other people don’t have to understand, as long asweall do. I love you, Crew, and I know you love me. And you and I are going to takeourrelationship atourpace.”

"I am not walking you down the aisle, though, so don’t ask," he says, leaning in to rest his forehead against hers. "Because I'm not giving you away."

Her smile grows even as a tear slips down her cheek. "You're damn right you're not." She presses her lips to his.

I exchange a look with Nathan.

Crew’s right, that all sounds bonkers. Who would do this? What guy would let his girlfriend marry two other guys but plan to stay in the picture?

But Dani is also right…this feels right.

We can't bully or pressure Crew into doing something he doesn't want to do. That wouldn't be right. He has to make this commitment when he's ready. He's a twenty-three-year-old kid. Okay,kidisn’t fair. He’s an adult. He’s already achieved great things at his age. But he has his whole life in front of him. He and Dani need to take their relationship on the path that it needs to take, even if there are two other guys involved.

But Nathan and I shouldn’t have to wait. Not if Dani is ready for the next step too.

As always, we all fill in different parts of her life. Nathan and I can give her the wedding-husband-kid part, but Crew will still be there for the fun, the romance, the dating and growing and learning about themselves that they both need.

As I watch Dani smiling and wiping her happy tears away, Nathan hugging her, Crew holding her hand, and then her eyes meeting mine, my heart feels like it's going to burst out of my chest.

This woman is going to be my wife. We're going to start a family. I'm getting everything I’ve ever dreamed of.

Then I look at Nathan and Crew.

Everything I ever dreamed of and then some.



“Yeah!”I yell as I run up the stairs to the Racketeers jet after we sweep the first playoff series against Houston, right fist up in the air.

That game was fucking fire. Bursting with adrenalin, I grab our goalie, Blake Wilder, who is waiting on the platform at the top of the stairs to enter the plane. I fling my arms out and yell, “We’re kings of the fucking world!”

“Get the hell off of me,” Blake says, but he’s laughing and grinning as he glances back at me. “You’re such an idiot.”

“But I’m also awesome.” I shake his shoulders and turn to look at the other guys climbing the steps behind me. “We’reawesome! We killed it tonight, Racketeers! Fuck yeah!” I bounce on my heels, too pumped up to stand still. I don’t know how I’m going to sit for the two-and-a-half-hour flight home.

A cheer goes up from my teammates.

Nathan is inside the plane by the cockpit, shaking each guy’s hand and clapping them on the shoulder as they enter and head for a seat. I stick my hand out to him when it’s my turn and say, “You’re welcome,” with a grin.

There is no standard Nate scowl. Instead, he just shakes his head and my hand with a strong grip. “Good game, McNeill.”