Page 17 of Seriously Pucked

However, Crew is it seems. “What? You’ve both been thinking aboutproposing? That’s a very Hughes thing to do only a few months in, but you, Boss?”

“Of course,” Nathan says, as if it’s the most obvious thing. “What would I wait for?”

“Um…for it to make sense?” Crew says.

“Why doesn’t this make sense?” Nathan asks. “I love her and want to be with her for the rest of my life. Why wouldn’t I marry her?”

Crew looks back and forth between us. “We’re not even unpacked from moving in together!”

“Some of us are unpacked,” Nathan says dryly.

“You know what I mean!” Crew exclaims. “We just started dating.”

“The three of us are not dating,” Nathan snaps. “I’m dating Danielle. And I don’t need longer than I’ve had to know that I love her and she’s it for me.”

“Are you insinuating that I don’t love her?” Crew asks.

“I’m not insinuating anything,” Nathan tells him. “I’m informing you of where I stand with Danielle. And I’m only doing it because we’re all involved with her. Do whatever you want, McNeill. But if I want to marry Danielle, and Michael wants to have a baby with her, then we will.”

Crew presses his lips together. He looks pissed off but he clearly doesn’t have an argument he wants to share with us.

I frown though as I think over what Nathan just said. Something about it sounds off.

“Since you’ve been thinking about this too, share your thoughts,” I say to Nathan.

He levels me with a direct look. “Okay. Fine. We can’t all three legally marry her.”

I nod.

“But one of us can. I figured I would marry her, and you and McNeill can be the fathers of her children.”

My frown deepens. “Why would you be the one to legally marry her? You don’t want to have children?”

He clenches his jaw, then says, “I can't get Danielle pregnant.”

That wasn’t what I was expecting. “Go on,” I say.

“I was in a car accident when I was twelve. Some of the injuries left me infertile. I will never father Danielle's children biologically. Being a father was never something I even considered, because that was never an option. But since I’ve met Danielle and realized she wants to be a mother, I am absolutely dedicated to raising children with her. I would be open to adoption, but because you two have always been a part of this situation, I suppose I assumed our children would be yours biologically, but that we would all raise them together." He clears his throat.

I know that was difficult for him to share and I have to admit that hearing the gruff, sometimes closed off billionaire say he had assumed we’d all raise children together, children that would not be his biologically but that he was still open to being involved with, supporting, and loving makes my frustration fade.

“Does Dani know that you can’t have children biologically?” I ask.

“She does.”

Of course, that wouldn’t change how that loving, sweet woman felt about a man she was in love with. I nod. “Have you talked about having children?”

“Not specifically, but she knows I’m open to being a father. I assume that she assumes the children will be yours and Crew’s biologically.”

I swallow. “Thank you for telling us, Nathan. And of course, when I think about having children with Dani, I assume you would be a part of any child’s life. We would do all of that together. No matter which of us is the biological father. Obviously, there’s the chance that both Crew and I could father a child. Or maybe more than one.” I glance at Crew and then frown. “You okay, McNeill?”

The kid has gone white. He slumps down on a stool and covers his face with his hands. "And now we’re talking aboutkids?"

"Iam talking about kids," Nathan says to him. "I’m forty-one. As it is, a child would be graduating high school when I’m nearly sixty.” He takes a second, then adds, “But it’s up to you and Hughes and Danielle if there are children. That’s not my call.”

Crew just groans, obviously feeling some pressure from that now that he knows both Nathan and I want kids.

But I know that was hard for Nathan to say. To admit that there’s something huge about his life and the life of the woman he loves that’s out of his control.