Page 14 of Seriously Pucked

But Mark nods like it all makes sense to him, and Marissa just blinks. She’s officially speechless.

Nathan is done with the small talk. I can read his body language. I also know he’s contemplating why he didn’t install privacy decking before we moved in because now we have to pal around with the neighbors.

“Dinner sounds fantastic,” I tell Mark. “We’re looking forward to it.”

“I’m freezing,” Nathan says. “I’m going to head inside. It was a pleasure, Mark and Marissa. Danielle?”

“I’ll be there in a minute,” she tells him with a smile. She turns her lips up to receive a kiss. “I love you.”

“I love you, too.” He gives her a soft smile, one that he reserves just for her.

Nathan is putty when it comes to Dani.

The back door swings open, hard, Crew style. He never does anything halfway. “Hey, what’s the Wi-Fi password?”

“That’s Crew,” I tell Mark and Marissa. To him I call out, “Come meet the new neighbors.”

“The password is “listen to me when I tell you important shit,” Nathan says dryly, shifting past him.

“Is it really that or is that your idea of a joke, Boss? Because that’s a really fucking long password and I will change it to “Nate is old,” which is easy to remember.” Crew bounds out onto the deck in his socks, jeans, and a hoodie. “Holy shit, it’s cold out here! We need heaters once my hot tub arrives.”

Crew doesn’t like discomforts either. He’s also always willing to throw money at anything that will make him more comfortable or make things more fun. He and Nathan actually have more in common than either of them realize.

But Crew does like people. And recognition. Which he instantly gets from Mark.

“Aren’t you Crew McNeill?” Mark asks, lifting his vape halfway to his mouth before he realizes he’s not supposed to smoke in front of his wife. He slips it back into his pocket again and sticks out his hand. “Mark Ackers. Huge Racketeers fan.”

A grin splits Crew’s face. “I am. It’s great to meet you.”

“He’s having a great season,” Dani gushes.

Which doesn’t bother me. She should gush about Crew. He’s an amazing player, and she’s proud of him. But I can feel Marissa’s eyes on me, studying my reaction.

“Do they not get along?” she asks me, clearly curious. “Nathan and Crew?”

Crew and Mark are discussing the playoffs and the Racketeers prospects.

“They do. They just like to give each other a hard time.”

“Ah,” Marissa says.

There are a thousand questions behind that one word.

I get it. I understand everyone’s curiosity about how our relationship works.

Sometimes I even wonder how it works myself.

And what it would be like to have Dani solo.

Easier. It would be easier. I know that.

But it wouldn’t be the same. And I like what we have.

So I content myself with the fact that Cookie & Co. is what makes Dani happy, and that’s what matters to me.

But I want to marry her.

Tonight I’m more sure than ever.