Page 102 of Seriously Pucked

"What do you want to talk about?" Dani asks, reaching up with the hand I'm not holding to stroke her fingers over my cheek.

"I love you. And I definitely want to marry you."

She smiles and nods. "Me too."

I look at Nathan, then Crew. "But we can't be without these guys. The four of us work best together. We’re all in this together."

Her eyes fill with tears, and she swallows, then nods. "Yes. I know. I want you all."

I see Nathan's arm move from the back of the bench to Dani's shoulders. Crew’s hand tightens on her leg.

I take a breath, and then again look from Nathan’s eyes to Crew’s.

"We’re all in this together, right? It's all four of us. For good."

"Yes," Nathan says. His voice is firm, and he answers without hesitation. "But we don't have to talk about this right now."

I shake my head. "This is the best time. We're never going to know what tomorrow holds. I'm learning that with my father. We are never guaranteed tomorrow. Or the day after. We have to celebrate what we've got right now. Love and family are the most important things. And I'm not saying we’re never going to have disagreements again. I'm not saying we’re never going to wish we could spend the night apart. And I'm not saying there won't be times when one of us wants some time alone. But I want to know that no matter what amazing things happen in Crew’s career, like the playoffs, or awesome things Dani has ahead with her writing, or Nathan has with the Racketeers, or what scary things might happen, like with my dad, I want us all to know, without a question that we’re going to be there for each other.”

Nathan takes a deep breath and leans in. "Absolutely. There is nowhere I’d rather be, no matter the circumstances, than with you three. Whether I’m the supporter or…” He clears his throat. “I’m the one needing support.”

I know he’s thinking of his grandfather. I nod.

Nathan looks at Dani. "This isn't exactly how I planned this, but hell, baby, we don't really do anything the way most people do, right? The four of us have upended pretty much every plan any of us has ever made.”

She sniffs and laughs softly.

“So, Danielle,” Nathan says. “Will you marry me? I would love nothing more than to make you my wife."

She gives him a dazzling smile and leans over to kiss him. "Yes, Nathan. I would love to marry you."

He cups the back of her head and deepens the kiss. Crew and I just look on, grinning happily.

When they finally pull apart, we all take a deep breath, almost as one.

Then we all look at Crew.

He has a contemplative look on his face.

And even though I’ve recently felt like I haven't been as tuned in to these men as I'm used to, I know what he's thinking and feeling right now.

I hope he knows he can be honest with us.

I let go of Dani's hand as Crew reaches for it.

He links his fingers with hers and lifts it to his lips, pressing a kiss to the back. Then he looked her directly in the eyes. "Dani, I love you. I love you more than I ever imagined I could love someone else. And you're it for me. You are the woman I want to spend my life with. I don't want anyone else. And I don't want you with anyone but us."

She presses her lips together and nods, watching him closely.

I watch Nathan's fingers curl into her shoulder slightly.

I wonder if he's suspecting what's coming next the way I am.

I reach out and settle my hand on Dani’s knee.

"But I'm not ready to get married," Crew says.

Dani doesn't look surprised. She puffs out a little breath of air. Then she smiles at him like she absolutely adores him. "I know.”