Page 30 of Big Sky

She’d shed the gown in the hallway before coming in. Luke leaned against the headboard of his bed, a white sheet draped carelessly over his tanned, naked body.

“N-no, Sir.” She’d give anything to get rid of that weak stutter he caused every time she got scared.

“The dishes took twenty minutes. With the little that was there to clean, it shouldn’t have taken longer than ten.”

He pulled the sheet away to reveal his belt—or one of them—lying across his stomach. His cock was hard and ready to go again. She wasn’t sure if it was over the prospect of beating her or fucking her. “Go across the hall into the playroom and kneel in the middle of the rug. When I get in there, I want your forehead on the rug, and your arms stretched out in front of you, palms up.” When she hesitated, he said, “Now.”

She waited in that position in the other room for what felt like forever. Every time she heard floorboards creak outside the door, she tensed. But each time, nothing. Finally, when she thought she’d faint from the fear, the doorknob turned and he stepped into the room.

“That was twenty minutes, Ronnie. Do you see how much time that is?”

“Y-yes, Sir.”

“I’m going to whip you with the belt for making me wait so long. I’ll be lenient and only give you ten. Thank me for that kindness.”

“P-please, I’m sorry, Sir.” She cringed as he circled her, stopping behind her where she couldn’t see him.”

“Begging won’t help you. Take your punishment and learn from it.”

“You’re a motherfucking psycho,” she said.

He jerked her back by her hair. “What was that?”

“You heard me. You are a sick fuck and everybody here knows it. The only reason you feel normal is that the guys who work for you are sick fucks, too. Do you want to ask again who hurt me? You, them, every cretin in the universe who’d even have the fantasy, let alone act on it.”

His eyes flashed. “Don’t get high and mighty with me. You have the same needs I have. Don’t act like mine are vile while yours are enlightened.”

“Trish consented. Youtookme. I never said I wanted this with you.”

“Your body said it.”

“That doesn’t count.”

He flipped her onto her back, straddling her, inches from penetration, but instead, he pushed a finger inside her.

“So fucking wet. Tell me to stop, Ronnie.”

She looked away, her hips bucking against his wriggling finger.


“Please what, princess? Please stop? Please keep going? Please treat me like the livestock I am?”

“Fuck you.”

“Fuck you isn’t stop. Fuck you sounds like an invitation to me.” He’d found her g-spot. No matter how much she wanted to stop him, her body craved the way he rubbed that little place inside her. When she didn’t protest, he withdrew his fingers. “Get back in the position I told you to be in.”

She scrambled back onto her knees. “Would it have made a difference if I’d said stop?”

“Guess you’ll never know. That brand on your hip is going to be sore for at least a month. It should be a good, constant reminder of who owns you. Stop and think about that little twinge of pain the next time you want to open your mouth and say something smart.”

She shrieked when the first lash landed on her bottom, sending a lick of fire across her flesh, strangely more painful than the branding. She tensed before each blow, terrified he’d slip and hit the brand, but he didn’t. He was silent as he meted out the punishment, the only sound in the room her sobs. By the time he’d finished with her, she only wished those nerve endings could die like the ones the brand had burned away, But then he rubbed over her welted bottom.

“Get up on your hands and knees,” he snarled in her ear.

Veronica raised up on all fours and then he was inside her, pounding her so hard she couldn’t catch her breath. She was convinced she couldn’t come this way, but the orgasm nearly ripped her open from the inside, tearing a scream from her throat.

She crumpled to the floor, still shaking when he pulled out of her. Luke rolled onto his back and pulled her against him. He was quiet for a long time.