Page 50 of Big Sky

Then another mouth was on her—Luke’s—between her legs, sucking on her clit. So many mouths on her sucking, hands caressing. Moans of pleasure from her and from the two people at her breasts filled the room.

When the couple had taken all they wanted, they passed her back to Luke.

“She tastes wonderful. What are you feeding her?”

“Mostly what we grow or kill. I don’t let her have a lot of junk. And we keep her mostly away from onions and garlic.”

“You can tell,” Freida said.

When Luke finished drinking, he picked Veronica up and carried her over to the machine. “You’ve been so good today, let’s make sure we drain all the milk out so you can sleep more comfortably.”

On the one hand, he was rewarding her. On the other, he also wanted to display and humiliate her some more, and her body had forgotten how to be outraged about it. She didn’t resist when he strapped her into the machine. He only had to apply lube to the anal toy. Her pussy was so wet it wasn’t necessary for the other toy. He inserted the vibrating rods inside her and turned the machine on.

After that, she forgot about her audience. The sensation of being completely drained of milk while her cunt and ass were being filled was all-consuming. By the time Luke turned the machine off, she’d had another three orgasms. Sleep would be great tonight.

She was only vaguely aware of Will and Freida as they stood to leave. Long, feminine nails skimmed lightly down her back and over her ass.

Freida bent to whisper in her ear. “You were very good, dear. I haven’t seen Luke this happy in a long time. You’re good for him.” Then they left.

She wondered if the other woman thought Veronica had come here freely. She doubted Freida knew the true circumstances of her presence at the ranch. Did it matter anymore?

That night, Veronica slept peacefully in Luke’s arms.


Veronica carried a load of laundry up the stairs late one afternoon. She usually folded it in the playroom because there was so much space on the floor to stack everything. It would have been better to take the laundry up in two trips, but she’d piled it all in the basket to make less work. She’d almost reached the top when her foot slipped, and she fell.

She let out a howl of pain as she struggled to stand. The laundry had gone everywhere, but she didn’t care about that. Tears stung her eyes. She couldn’t put any weight on her foot without screaming.It’s broken.The panicky thought rose inside of her. It could be twisted or sprained or just bruised, but deep inside she knew.

What would happen when Luke found out? He obviously didn’t trust her enough to give her shoes. He hadn’t taken her out of the house since that one day with the ice cream and the lake—the day she’d tried to blot out of her memory because it had scared her so badly. If she could just erase that day, she could make peace with being here. Ironically, the one thing Luke had done to try to force her trust had eroded it.

He couldn’t take her to the hospital. It was too big of a risk. They would separate them in the emergency room and she’d have a way out. He couldn’t threaten her with the cuff because if they found it on her, he was done. And the brand on her hip was all the evidence anybody would need. Even if he just dropped her off at the hospital and left, and she didn’t know how to get to his house... even if she hadn’t known his full name, that brand was registered with the state. It would lead the police back to him.

Would he kill her? She hadn’t been afraid for her life in months, but now... What did you do with a lame horse? Wasn’t that the kind of attitude Luke had been raised with? Didn’t he see her as just another one of his animals now? They’d had a good run, and now he’d have to take her out back and shoot her?

The rational side of her said that was ridiculous. Luke would never do that. But would she have believed before she came here that he would have done any of the rest? When she’d sat in the diner with her coworker, watching him put away that giant breakfast?

The day leaving the lake, he hadn’t answered about what if the cop had found him. If she’d been under the water, there was a good chance Luke would have kept her there to save his hide. He’d been adamant about not going to prison, which seemed funny for a man so comfortable with doing crime.

Maybe it wasn’t broken. Or maybe it would heal okay on its own. She didn’t have to do outdoor chores right now, just stuff inside. Nobody saw her except at meal times and Luke in the evenings. Maybe she could cover it long enough to heal a little. Then she could plead her case. If it was broken it could heal wrong and always hurt, or make her walk wrong or look strange, but at least she’d be alive. Assuming Luke didn’t find her repulsive after that.

Veronica scrubbed the tears off her face. Ice. Whatever it was, ice might help. She crawled to the kitchen, unable to put even the smallest amount of weight on it without agony and pulled herself up on one foot next to the freezer to make an ice pack. Her foot was swelling fast. There was no way she’d be able to keep it a secret for long.

He’d know tonight. Even so, she couldn’t stop herself from trying to hide all evidence that anything was wrong. After she’d iced it, she crawled back to the laundry to get it out of sight. Thankfully she didn’t have to worry about dinner tonight. Chili had been going in the crock pot since after breakfast.

She made it to the couch and covered her legs with a blanket and read the five-year-old magazine Luke wouldn’t toss.

The kitchen door clanged shut an hour later.

“Why isn’t the table set?”

“I-I’m sorry, Master.”

“Well, get in here.” He stood in the doorway watching her, an irritated look on his face that she’d keep him waiting when he’d been out working so hard all day.

He watched her as she struggled to stand. She tried to mask it, thinking she could force herself to step on the foot just a little, and he wouldn’t notice. But when she tried, the pain shot through her sending her to the floor.

“What the hell happened?”