Page 34 of Big Sky

“Careful with her brand,” Luke said.

“It’s not even touching the beam, she’s fine.”

Veronica’s face flamed as they spread her legs wide to tie them down, exposing her more than she’d ever been exposed for any of them. Even in just firelight it was humiliating. Robert and Will watched from a few paces back. Jake helped tie her up, but once she was secured, he stepped back and let Luke go to work.

“This is going to look like a crack-addicted spider’s web, with me doing this drunk,” Luke said.

“Doing what?” Veronica asked, her curiosity overcoming her fear and embarrassment for a moment.

“Japanese rope bondage. He learned it a few years ago. If he’s doing the fancy rope work, you’re going to be there for awhile,” Robert said.

Robert wasn’t kidding. Half an hour later, Luke was just finishing up the knots. He’d wrapped ropes intricately around both of her arms, keeping it as loose as possible around the sunburned areas. On her legs he wasn’t so lenient. Then he tied ropes around her upper torso, and her breasts. The constricting nature of that much rope tied with that much time and complexity made her panic.

“Shhhh,” Luke said, stroking her hip. “Deep breaths. This is why I wanted you relaxed. Will can cut you out fast if necessary.”

“I have a problem,” Veronica said, once her breathing was back to normal.


She flushed and lowered her voice. “I have to pee.”

Luke started to laugh.

“I’m serious. I really have to go.”

He shrugged, unconcerned with her discomfort. “So pee.”

Her eyes widened. “I hope that’s a joke. I can’t justpee.”

Luke’s expression darkened. “You can and you will. We are far from finished with you and there’s no way I’m undoing all this work so you can take a piss. It’s just pee. Do it.”

She shook her head and glared at him, her lips set in a firm, defiant line. “I can’t.” There was no way she could be exposed like that and pee in front of them. It was too degrading and awful.

Robert, who was proving to be the most dangerous instigator of the group, came closer. “This, I have to see.”

Within a couple of minutes, all four of them were standing around her, arms crossed, amused looks on their faces—just waiting for it.

“I’m not doing it,” she said.

Despite the alcohol that had lightened his mood, Luke’s face was stern. “Ronnie, what did we say about you making an effort and seeing how much nicer I could be?”

“I don’t care. Be mean, beat the shit out of me, but I’m absolutely not doing it. I’d rather die.” She didn’t really mean that, she only said it because she didn’t think he’d do it, at least not the killing part. He was too giddy with all the perverted things he could make her do to end it all now. The big box of videos he had of Trish said it had been a long time since he’d done all of this, and he wasn’t about to end the party now.

“You’ll do it. You won’t have a choice.” Luke turned to one of the guys, “Jake, go get the bong out of the shed.”

Veronica jerked her head up at that. They had a bong? When did they have time for recreational drug use? She’d seen the amount of work they had to do, though they did seem to sometimes stop about a half hour before dinner time. Still, she’d never smelled it on any of them.

“You’re getting her high?” Jake asked.

“Oh yes.”

“Doesn’t that defeat the purpose? If she’s too stoned to care, it’s less fun.”

“I’m only relaxing her enough so that she’ll let go, not enough to kill the impact on her.”

Jake disappeared behind the hay bales and came back ten minutes later with the bong, ready to go. Luke lit it and held the mouthpiece up to her mouth. Veronica preferred to be a little stoned for this, so she chose not to fight him and inhaled.

“Okay, that’s plenty, maybe a little too much.”