Page 33 of Big Sky

“Safety. If you need to be cut out of the ropes for some reason, do you want to trust I haven’t had too much to drink to do it without slicing you open?”

At least Luke could hold his drink enough to have that rationale.

“Why aren’tyoudrinking?” he asked. “I need you loose and relaxed.”

“I don’t drink. Not since my freshman year of college.” It had taken exactly one year to realize why drunk was only fun the night before.

Wheels were turning in his head, but Veronica had no idea which wheels. Was he going to hold her down and force her to drink out of a funnel? He could make her drink if he wanted her drunk.

“Put your arms over your head like this.” He raised his arms to demonstrate, which made him look ridiculous. Yeah, he was a bit silly drunk.

She rolled her eyes but did it, and he pulled her dress over her head. There was a bite in the air that caused her nipples to harden, but the bonfire so close kept the worst of the chill away.

Luke’s mouth closed over one of her breasts, sucking on it while Robert watched with a leer on his face.

“We should milk her,” he said.

Veronica’s eyes widened and she hoped the men were all too drunk to remember any of this in the morning. She looked for Luke’s reaction. It was a raised eyebrow.

“She’s not pregnant,” Luke said.

“It doesn’t matter. I saw it on a website. All we have to do is give her hormone shots, and keep trying til we get there. She’s already branded, we may as well milk her, too—keep the theme alive.”

“You are a freak,” Luke said as if he had room to talk with his playroom and video cameras, but the look in his eyes said he thought the idea was just the right level of degrading to be hot. “Have you even tasted breast milk? As an adult?”

“I have,” Will said. “When Frieda was pregnant. I got curious.”


“It’s sweet. Not bad. It depends on what you feed her, though. It can taste sour if she eats too much onion and garlic.”

“No onions and garlic, then,” Luke said as if he were actually considering it.

Will turned red in the firelight.

Luke noticed. “What aren’t you telling us?”

Will ducked his head. “After the baby was weaned, I made her keep producing milk for me for a couple of years until she finally got fed up with it.”

“What do you think, princess?” He cupped her mound, his fingers slipping inside her. “Survey says, yes. The idea makes our little slut hot.”

She flushed and turned away.

“What do you think, Jake?” Luke asked.

“I think it’s disgusting. I’m not drinking it.”

“More for us, then.”

“You know what they call them?” Will asked, too into the idea to let it drop now. “Milk maids.”

“Hot,” Robert said.

“I still think it’s nasty,” Jake said.

“And we said you didn’t have to participate,” Luke said. “Help me tie her up.”

Jake put down his beer and followed them to the big wooden X. The two men positioned her on her back, leaning to press against the wood.