Fuck. His most trusted confidant was right.

They had come to the Realm of Autumn with a grave purpose, and if Boraleashe didn’t fight harder, they’d leave empty-handed, and his kingdom would be doomed.

He was attempting the impossible, he knew it, but he had to try. If the curse only affected him, Boraleashe would’ve said his goodbyes to his kingdom and died with dignity long ago. But he wouldn’t let his people suffer for his own stubbornness. The Snow Moon Demon wouldn’t have been strong enough to curse him if Boraleashe’s core hadn’t lacked love, leaving it vulnerable.

He should’ve known better to try to cheat the Gods of Fate. In his defense, he’d been trying to protect his fragile heart. He wasn’t like Notalus and Zepharali… Boraleashe wasn’t like any other titan. He didn’t wear his heart on his sleeve or give it away as eagerly as the others because it was too dangerous, too risky.

Yet, he was still mandated by the universe to gift his heart to another, risky or not. And he’d refused. For more than a millennium, Boraleashe chose to shelter and hide it instead, avoiding life by fighting war after war and battle after battle.

For good reason.

Boraleashe was a descendant of the IceFall lineage and firstborn son to the Titan of the Winter Heart. Which meant Boraleashe possessed a love that was incomparable to all. A winter heart so powerful and consuming it could almost be too much for one to receive. And for any reason if it was to ever get broken, Boraleashe would suffer a misery far more excruciating than the Snow Moon’s.

But the universe had called upon him again. Boraleashe was out of time.

He must either honor the gods for being blessed as an elder with dominion over an element… or be judged.

Now that Boraleashe was cursed, his soul unable to feel, his core impotent, his odds had doubled. He’d have to have blind faith in the one he allowed in.

With my winter heart… how, gods?


Must the Gods be so Cruel?

Theodor practically dove inside his bedchambers and skidded to a clumsy stop. He panted to catch his breath, yanking his robe from around his shoulders and tossing it somewhere near his wardrobe. He paced back and forth, knocking into furniture and tripping over his own feet. Theodor was far more graceful than he appeared, but Boraleashe’s sudden presence had him off-kilter and flustered. It’d been almost a hundred years since he’d last seen Boraleashe, but somehow, he had more effect on him now than he did almost a century ago.

Theodor yelled for his servants with parched lips and a dry throat. When no one came, he stormed across the room to his drinking cart and poured himself a large goblet of ginger-infused water.

He downed the drink in a few gulps and was pouring himself another when his best friend and personal servant, Mozraath, sauntered into the room without a care in the world. He leaned against the door to Theodor’s chambers and watched him with amusement.

“You see something funny, Moz?” Theodor growled.

“Well, Lord Boraleashe is everything you described him to be. He looks like a god, not a titan. He’s tall as fuck, same height as you, which is quite difficult. And you were right—his hair does look like a blanket of fallen snow. And shit, did you see his ass?”

Theodor spit his mouthful of water all over the window he’d been staring out of.

Mozraath smirked. “But you failed to mention that you gave him your heart.”

Theodor slammed his glass down on the windowsill and spun to face the half-demon side of Mozraath that knew just how to get under his skin.

“Who the hell told you that?” Theodor snapped.

Mozraath shrugged. “Was just observing.”

“Well, I observed that I’m pouring my own damn drink while my servant stands there and watches. You are my personal aide… you’re supposed to be at my side at all times.”

Mozraath sucked his teeth at him, then instructed one of the many aides under his supervision to prepare Theodor a stronger cocktail. His friend began to remove his dress armor, not saying anything else until Theodor was in comfortable clothing with a spiked ale in his hand.

“If you didn’t insist on flying everywhere, then your aides would be at your side to provide you with what you need.” Mozraath chuckled under his breath.

“You’re still laughing.” Theodor dropped his forehead into his palm. “Did the rest of my court have a hearty laugh at my expense as well?”

“No.” Mozraath joined him in his sitting room. “Everyone held in their guffaw when you shot into the air like you had shaclies ants in your trousers.”

“By the gods,” Theodor groaned. “What am I going to do, Moz?”

“I think you should start with being honest with yourself. What is going on between you and the Titan of the Arctic World? It’s rumored his heart no longer beats, that it’s frozen.”