Did I dream about it? Fuck yes. To the point I had trouble sleeping for a while, knowing I’d slip into a world where my brother’s girl was mine. Feeling guilty for all the thoughts I couldn’t help having about her. But no one other than me would ever know about those thoughts and dreams. Well, me and the therapist I saw for more than a year in hopes of shaking my attraction to her.

Andrew shakes my hand and kisses his sister’s cheek. I take both of her hands in mine and we stand before Gary, the pastor officiating our ceremony.

When she smiles up at me, I see the scrappy little girl who could hold her own in any sport the neighborhood kids played growing up. I see the middle school girl with braces and budding breasts I suddenly felt shy around. I see the pretty, graceful high school girl Owen asked to the Homecoming dance on a weekend I was traveling for hockey.

And the rest, as they say, is history. I waited for them to break up, hoping I’d get my shot, but they never did.

“I, Stella, take you, Owen, to be my lawfully wedded husband.”

It may be his name, but I pretend she’s saying the words to me. I gently squeeze her hands when her voice shakes during the vows, knowing how hard this must be for her. She’ll never know that this charade that’s painful for her is also painful for me, but for an entirely different reason.

I don’t have to fake it; I mean every word of the vows I say. If I’d had the balls to swallow my shyness and ask her out first back in high school, I would have been so damn good to her. She’s my dream girl.

Every time I watched my twin hitting on other women, I silently seethed over him not deserving her. He’s always been the charming one. Women orbit around him like planets to a sun, basking in his compliments and vying for his attention.

At least now she’ll be free of him.

“I now pronounce you man and wife.” Gary grins at me. “You may kiss your bride.”

My bride. If only.

Stella’s eyes widen slightly as I lean in, cupping her cheek. I bend, my mouth slanting over hers. Her lips part, her fingertips lightly grazing my waist. I take half a step closer to her, wrapping my free hand around her waist and pulling her in close as I deepen the kiss.

Fuck. She’s everything I dreamed of and more. Soft and sweet. She tastes faintly of Lemonheads, which have always been her favorite candy. When she moans, I pull her body flush against mine, wrapping my arm all the way around her waist. I can’t help myself—this is the only kiss I’ll ever get, and I stretch every second I can get out of it.

She’s breathless when we finally break apart, her expression dazed as she looks up at me. The crowd cheers and whistles. I smile, gratified that at least she knows which brother kisses better.

Gary clears his throat, his brow furrowed in judgment. If there’s a Mrs. Gary, I guarantee she’s never been kissed like that.

Photos ensue. So many photos, and so many people telling me how sorry they are that my brother is too sick to be here. I keep ahold of Stella’s hand the entire time, getting a high from the way she looks to me for reassurance.

Claire pulls Stella and I away from the photographer snapping photos of just the two of us, shooting us a knowing look as we approach Gary. Everyone else is out of earshot, most of them inside the reception hall. We might as well get this awkward conversation over with.

“Congratulations, you two,” Gary says. “Owen, your father already paid me. I’ll just need the marriage license and your two witnesses so we can get that signed and I’ll file it.”

Claire lets out a single note of nervous laughter. “About that. Um, funny story...I lost the marriage license.”

Gary’s smile slides away. “You lost it?”

“Yeah. Kind of a wild night last night. So...no can do on getting it signed.”

He sighs heavily and looks at me. “I suppose you’ll have to apply for a duplicate. I’ve never had this happen.”

Claire blows out a breath. “Yeah, they might do that. We’ll call you if we need you to sign anything.”

Gary looks from Claire back to me. “You won’t be married unless you have a license filed.”

He’s only addressing me, likely because I’m the only other man. I don’t like the way he’s ignoring Claire and Stella.

“We’re aware,” I say crisply.


I clap him on the shoulder. “Thanks, man. We’re going to our reception now.”

I take Stella’s hand, about to lead her inside when I notice her gathering up the train of her dress. Once she has it all, I take the pile of material in my arms and lean down to speak in her ear.