“Hey, what’s going on?” I ask in a hushed tone.

“Everything’s okay. She’s okay.”

I can tell from his voice that something is wrong. Tears spring to my eyes as I think about how far I am from my mom right now. Why did I come on this honeymoon? I should be with her.

“Just tell me,” I say, my voice strained from holding back tears.

“She was feeling pretty weak so we took her in to the hospital to get fluids. That’s it, Stella. I told you I’d keep you updated so I am. The fluids helped a lot and we’re back home now.”

I let myself exhale, my shoulders sinking with relief. “Oh, thank God.”

“I didn’t mean to scare you.”

“No, I know.” I sit down a nearby bench. “That was just me assuming it would be bad. I appreciate you calling. Can I talk to her?”

“You want me to wake her up? She’s sacked out in her recliner.”

“Oh, don’t wake her up. Did they do a blood draw when you were there?”

“Yep. They said everything’s about the same and we should bring her back if she starts feeling bad again.”

The door I walked out of to get to the hallway opens and Ben steps out, his brow furrowed with concern. I can tell from his expression that he doesn’t know whether to stay or go, so I wave him closer and pat the bench next to me.

“She’s feeling much better, I promise,” Andrew says. “How’s Maui?”

“It’s good. We’ve been busy with activities.”

“I hope you get to go on one of those sunset cruises, they’re the best.”

“That sounds like fun.”

“Hey, I don’t mean to sound nosy, but do you know if there’s anything weird going on with Ben?”

I startle. “Ben? Like Ben Hogan?”

“Yeah, I was picking up groceries earlier and I saw him walking out of that little dive bar, The Tap. He looked like he hasn’t shaved in days and he’s got a black eye. And when I called his name to say hi, he acted like he didn’t hear me. Don’t say anything to Owen, I don’t want to worry him.”

Part of me wants to laugh, but part of me feels bad for the real Ben, since so many people in our small town think Owen is on his honeymoon and the hot mess brother is Ben.

“It’s nothing to worry about,” I assure my brother. “Is mom eating?”

“We can always get her to have those nutritional drinks. She’s doing everything she can to keep her strength up and spend time with us.”

A few moments of silence pass as we both think about the reason she wants to spend time with Andrew and his wife. These are her final days. No one can change that.

He clears his throat. “She loves the pictures you’ve been sending. Keep ‘em coming.”

“I will. Tell her I love her.”

“I will. Enjoy your honeymoon, okay? No news is good news, we’re all over anything she needs.”

“Thanks, Drew. I love you.”

“Love you too, sis.”

When I end the call, Ben doesn’t say anything. He puts a palm on my back and waits the few moments it takes me to gather myself.

“She’s okay,” I finally say. “She had to get fluids at the hospital, but that’s happened before.”

He nods. “And she’s feeling better now?”

“Yes. She’s sleeping.”

“You okay?”

I lean against him and he pulls me into a side hug. For a few seconds, I close my eyes and breathe in the clean scent of his t-shirt.

“It’s hard,” I say softly. “I’d do anything to make her well. Or just to...” A lump forms in my throat. “To make it so she doesn’t have to suffer. I don’t want her to suffer.”

“She won’t. We’ll make sure the doctors keep her comfortable when she needs it.”

We. Ben, who did nothing to wrong me, has stepped up to fill the hole left in my heart in every way possible. His concern for my mom, and for me, only deepens my attraction to him.

I’m single. I made it clear to Owen that we’re permanently done. He knows he’s getting the ring back once we return from the honeymoon. But it’s only been days since I was engaged to another man.

Are these feelings for Ben real, or is it just these weird circumstances we’re in? It’s not like I get naked sensual massages with a man every day. Or ever. Until Ben. And now I can’t imagine doing it with anyone else.

I move away and sit up straight, looking at him with a small smile. “I’m all emotions right now. Would you mind if I spend a couple of hours on my own? Just to”

“Of course I don’t mind. Take all the time you need. Just text me if you need anything, okay?”

He stands up and looks at the door back into the ballroom. “I am not going back in there, contractual obligation or not. Sorry about your toes.”