Especially by myself.
I can’t even think about it anymore, and I sigh as I watch Thorn climb up into the rig to get the first aid kit.
“Well? Aren’t you coming?” he calls down to me, holding his huge hand out again and helping me inside. He’s squatted down between the driver’s seat and the passenger seat I kneel on.
“I’ve never been in a…” I start to say before I can take any of it in, but his face is so close to mine. Both our lungs, almost panting not from fatigue but from excitement.
I’ve never even kissed a boy, let alone been so close to a real man. I’m almost wondering if I’ve actually wet my panties. I’m so damned wet. Being this close to Thorn is like nothing I’ve ever felt.
His eyes are fixed on mine, and I hear us both trying to swallow with dry mouths and I wonder what I’m supposed to do next.
I want him to kiss me, but I just don’t know what I should do.
“Your hand,” I hear myself saying, using it as an excuse to hold it again, and Thorn reaches inside a console for a small first aid kit.
He’s taken the skin off a couple of knuckles, but I fuss over him like he’s lost a limb.
I’ve seen a ton worse on the farm and I know Thorn’s humoring me as much as I’m hamming it up as another excuse to hold his hand.
Outsiders might think it looks lame, but this feeling that goes along with it… I just know from the look in Thorn’s eyes that it’s much more than just a meal. More than just some basic first aid.
More than just a ride?
“All done,” I tell him, wanting to ask him if I can kiss it better, but that would be too much.
Sitting in the silence of the immaculately clean big rig cab, I’m amazed at how compact and stylish it is, but I’m still spellbound at being so close to Thorn.
We both stare at each other, and in no time our faces start to move towards one another.
“You forgot to kiss it better,” he murmurs, making my heart leap and my mind explode with the thought of him actually kissing me.
I close my eyes, parting my lips and hope I’m doing all this right.
I can feel him moving forward, his breath on mine. His lips so close to touching mine I feel like I could explode.
Chapter Six
The sound of a big rig’s air horn cuts through the moment, making Sophie jump and me grind my jaw in frustration.
It’s Kip.
He must’ve been closer than I thought.
If it were any other time, any other place, I’d think nothing of it. But ruining my first kiss with Sophie?
Maybe my only kiss if this keeps up.
I never closed my eyes, and seeing her perched there, before the moment’s shattered, with her lips puckered and her sweet face lifting up to meet mine…
If it wasn’t for Kip freeing me up for the rest of today, I try to tell myself that, but I can’t help but feel frustrated.
She’s so close and yet seems so far away right.
My only real consolation is her shared look of disappointment.
“That’s one I owe you,” she whispers with a cheeky smile that lifts my mood instantly as she bolsters her own.
“Just remember that,” I demand. “You’re coming with me, no matter what,” I tell her firmly, noting the completeness of my arousal as she pumps her head in a nod.
I use my hands to tell her to stay put once I free them from her light grip. I don’t want her out of my sight, but the truck’s the next best place.
Almost there, Thorn, baby steps. Baby steps.
Kip’s a gun and eager to please. He’s a younger guy. Reminds me a lot of myself when I started out.
His playing with the air horn has my back up, but I have to get him on his way so I can be alone with Sophie.
My dark look as I exit the rig’s cab make him shrug from behind the wheel. He finally steps out once he realizes I want to talk to him face to face, not holler up to him in his rig.
“You alright, boss?” he asks, looking at me askew for a moment before his eyes travel to my rig’s mirrors.
Turning, I can see Sophie’s sweet face framed in chrome on the passenger side as she peers out to see what’s going on.
“Oh! I get it,” Kip starts. “We’re not allowed to pick up ‘hikers but you can, is that it?” he says with some sarcasm in his voice.
I feel my jaw tensing again.
“She’s a friend of the family,” I growl, lying. Angry I should even feel I have to explain myself at all.
He’s craning his neck and looking back, I know Sophie won’t let him ogle her like this. I take a firm step forward, blocking his view. “You want this job or not?” I ask, almost snarling.