“Thanks for the heads up.” Hanging up, I grab my keys and call Picard while jumping in my car.


“Picard, this is Harlan Hubris. I would like to know why my wife was in your office and why she left crying.”

“Your wife?” He sounds confused.

“Julep Hubris.”

“Now I understand. My apologies my friend. The young lady that was in my office identified herself as Julep Constantine. I did not know she was your wife. She came looking for help in gaining custody of her sister. She informed me she would be without a place to stay soon and had no employment. I informed her she would need to procure these two things in order to be considered.” Now I am the one who is confused. Why would she be without a place to stay? Does she somehow think she is going to leave me? I hear my phone beep and look at the incoming text.

Shutter: I have her.

“Thank you for the information,” I say texting him back thank you while finishing my call.

“You got it.” Pulling into the driveway I get out of the car angry and without answers. Walking through the door I do the only thing I can. “JULEP!” I shout her name, making the house shake. Where the fuck is she? This shit stops now. I storm through the house looking for her, only to find her by the other door looking like she is ready to flee. “Going somewhere, Bunny?” I pull her bag off her shoulder and set it on the counter.

“Yes. I have to go and get my sister. I-I wish this…us could work but it can’t because I have to go and get her.” My pitiful beautiful little bunny. Her face is so flushed and wet from crying but no one has ever been more stunning.

“We have a problem little bunny. Do you know what that is?” She shakes her head no but the pulse jumping in her neck makes me believe she knows exactly what it is. “The first problem is that when I broke through that offensive little tissue trying to keep you unclaimed, I told you I would never let you go. DO you remember that?” Close enough to touch her, I run my hand up her neck and grip it. I don’t put pressure on it but I want her to feel my ownership and know it is real and not changing.


“No! You don’t get to speak right now. The time for speaking was for the past week when you should have been telling me about Lili but you didn’t. Instead you chose to hide it from me and then go behind my back and try to hire a lawyer and I guess you thought you would leave me. So why should I listen to you now?” I can feel the anger building the more I talk and I know I need to calm down.

The thing is I am more upset about her thinking she was going to get away from me than anything else. How does she not know I love her more than life? How can she not feel that every breath she takes gives me oxygen? I’m such an asshole. It might help if I told her all of that, huh? Instead I pull her mouth to mine by her neck and slide my tongue inside. As usual she melts into me, surrendering her will and allowing me to lead her to wherever the destination might be. Only right now, we have more important things to do.

Once I have stoked some of the fire inside of me, I pull back and release her. “Harlan, I can't stay with you. You have already told me how you feel about that and as much as it kills me, I respect that, but my sister comes first.” What the hell is she talking about? How do I feel about what?

“Bunny explain. How do I feel about what?”

“Other people's kids. You don’t like children that are not your own.” And then it all hits me. Damn. That conversation we had about the kids of friends and family. Well hell dumb ass. No wonder she didn’t tell you. I close my eyes thanking God it is just a misunderstanding. I pull her into my arms and hold her.

“It’s amazing how one conversation can affect so much.” She frowns, not sure where I am going with this. “I did say that, baby and I understand why you took it that way. However, your little sister had I known about her, would have immediately been considered my family because as my wife, what’s mine is yours and what’s yours is mine.” Hope begins to take over the clouds in her eyes.

“You mean…”

“I love you so fucking much bunny. My happiness begins and ends with yours. Knowing you have been suffering with guilt and sadness over this guts me, baby. You were meant to smile. I have failed you in making you understand just what you mean to me. Maybe if I had you would have known you could come to me, but I will fix that. I will do better. As for your sister, she is on her way here.”