I grabbed my book bag. “What about heading home?”

“I’ll call Holiday.”

“Don’t do this, Beth.”

“Sorry, Colter. You did this.” Tears sting my eyes, but it’s hard to tell the difference between them and the snow as it comes down heavy. I go inside and wait out the weather, refusing to glance out the window to see if he’s still outside. My heart wants to run out there and be with him, and to forget the past year, but I can’t. Where has he been? Why did he put me through this? I could have asked him, but I’m too weak. Too in love with him to listen and be rational. Any answer will be believable.

“Hey, I didn’t expect to see you in here.”

I turn to see Alex in the common area. “Yeah, I’m waiting out the storm.”

“What happened to your ride?”

“He had to head back to work.”

“So do you need a ride?”

“Is it even safe?”

“They said a couple more minutes and the weather will clear.”

“Thanks, Alex. I can totally pay you.”

“No problem.”

I follow him out to his vehicle, which doesn’t appear as safe as an SUV or even a pickup truck because it’s a sports car. Still, I don’t want to sit around waiting for the snow to die down and I sure as hell don’t want to think about Colter anymore.

He holds the door open for me and I climb inside. An unsettling feeling takes over, but I know it’s for the best. Besides, I have so much to do tonight that I can’t wait for the snow to let up or call someone else to get me. It would be foolish to send Holiday or her husband to make the long trip in this weather for nothing.

“Are you ready?”


“Okay. Let’s do this.” He starts his engine, and the tires skid a little before they gain the traction they need and finally take us out of the parking lot. The initial movement sets my teeth on edge, but I try to relax and trust that a guy like Alex will not wreck his hundred-grand vehicle just to seem like a badass.

“So, what are you doing tonight? You know…I could crash at your place.” A sense of regret fills me. I don’t know Alex like that and I’m not sure I want to know him better than I do, so I lie.

“Actually, I still live with my parents, so unless you don’t mind sleeping on the sofa, I’m sure we can make it happen. It’s a little cramped and lumpy, but it’s not bad.”

“We’ll see,” he mutters. My neck hairs stand up and my first thoughts are about Colter.

“I appreciate you doing this.”

“Anything for the prettiest girl in class.” His hand lands on my thigh, but my quick look and flinch cause him to remove it. Damn it, this is not cool, and I know I’ve made a big mistake.

“So what’s it with that guy?” I already know who he’s talking about, but the question is out of the blue and a bit extra for a man I don’t really know well. “Do you guys have a thing?”

“No, I told you he was my ride,” I lie. He’s the love of my life and I wish I didn’t run away from him.

“Does he always give you rides?”

“No, today was the first day. Why?”

“So, he just goes to school here, too, then?”

“No,” I answer, thinking about his quick switch between careers.

“Then you’ve got a stalker and should file a report. That guy is here at least twice a week, watching you.”

“What? Are you serious? Since when?” I turn to him as we stop at a light and my face scrunches up in confusion. There’s no way Colter has been lurking around the campus with work.

“I don’t know, but it’s been a long time.” He must be confusing him for someone else.

“Well, he used to go to school here, so perhaps that’s when you saw him around.”

“No, I’m talking about watching you walk to class.”

“How do you know that?”

“I’ve seen him almost every day in the morning.”

“But this is our only class together.”

“Like he’s the only guy to notice you, Beth, baby. You’re sexy as fuck, and you can’t be blind to it. Fuck, I had to fight a hard-on all class.” Whoa, that did a quick one-eighty.

“Maybe we should just turn around, or you can just drop me off at the nearest gas station.”

“Nah, babe. You don’t have to be like that. I’ve been waiting to get you alone, and he’s kept too close of an eye on you until now.”

“I said let me out of the car.”

“Fine, you want to be a fucking bitch.” He pulls onto the side of the road, and I’m about to get out when he reaches for me and grabs my hair. “You owe me.” I go to smack him with my bag, but he’s too fast and catches it. He’s on me, pinning me to my seat when the car door flies open.