I wish he wouldn’t stand by the door like a freaking guard. Doesn’t he have his girlfriend to call? A baby to care for? He does, and I could have sworn I saw her this morning on the drive here walking with a rounded belly down the street as we approached the campus. I hadn’t forgotten her face even though I only saw her briefly at the Christmas party last year. I’d been too upset to discuss her and their upcoming addition to the North family.
I’d been so lost in my own anger and sadness that I almost missed the professor’s last remarks for the day. “Okay, class. Remember, finals are next Tuesday. Have a great weekend.”
“Hey, Beth,” Alex, who sits just behind and to the left, taps my shoulder. “So, what are you doing this weekend?” Perhaps he wants to have a study session.
“Um…I work tomorrow morning, but I’m…” I see a shadow looming over me, stopping my next words. I assumed it was the professor standing behind me, but I should have known better by the way my body tingled.
“She’s busy,” Colter’s deep voice answers for me.
“I’m not, Colter,” I say without taking my attention away from my cute classmate.
“Yes, you are. You promised my mother you’d help with the baking.” Fuck, I did offer to help.
My face drops. “Oh, I guess he’s right. Well, I guess I can’t help you study.”
“Baby girl, I wasn’t looking for a study partner. Is he your boyfriend?” He gestures to the big bodyguard friend of mine behind me.
“Nope. Just my ride.”
“Good. I want to take you on a date. We can figure out plans another time. By the way, if you need a ride anywhere. I can take you, Bethany.” He quickly writes his number down on the paper since we’re not allowed to use our phones in class, or we’ll be kicked out of class and then hands it to me.
“She’s good.” I tuck it in my back pocket of my jeans and then grab my books.
“Are you done acting like the jackass big brother already? I’m a grown ass woman who doesn’t need you cockblocking me at every fucking turn, Colter North.”
“I’m not trying to cockblock you.”
“The hell you aren’t.”
“He just tried that shit with the girl behind you right before class ended, so I was just saving you the trouble of dealing with the player.”
“Takes one to know one.”
“Damn it, Bethany Faith.” He slams his eyes shut. “Let’s just get moving.”
“Whatever, Mr. North. Don’t you have someone else to rescue today instead of saving my virginity?”
“Whoa. Enough with that shit, Bethany Faith.”
“God, is that why you couldn’t be a doctor? You act like confessing that I’m a virgin is a big deal.” His face hardens and he looks around the room, eyeing any of the stragglers with an evil glare.
He turns back to me with his teeth clenched and snarls. “It is in a crowd of fucking horny men who want to fucking divest you of it.”
I squint my eyes at him and ask, “Did you just say divest?”
“Yes, Beth. It means.”
With my closed pen, I jab him in the chest. “Don’t fucking start with me, North. I’m not in the mood for your shit. Let’s go and you can drive us home. I mean to Holly Hills.”
“Of course, little Bethany Jones.” He takes my book bag and my pen from me and says, “Zipper your coat. It’s freezing outside.”
“Would you like to wipe my nose, too?” I add, since he wants to act like my father.
“I’m about to bend you over and spank your ass if you keep this shit up.”
I don’t say a word as we exit the classroom because a part of me wants his hands on me, and another part of me wants him gone from my life forever. “Let’s just go before the weather gets worse.”
He stops as we get to the front door of the building. I turn and glance at him to figure out what his problem is now and that’s when he grabs my coat, zippers it all the way up, and wraps my scarf over my face. “One of these days,” he grumbles.
He takes my hand and opens the front door with his other hand. The wind blows a large gust of snow in our faces. Fuck, it’s really a blizzard out here.
“I thought they said it was supposed to be mild weather,” I muttered through my scarf.
He opens the door to his SUV and helps me inside like I can’t do it myself. Again, I’m starting to wonder what his girlfriend would think of his behavior. If I ever date a man and he puts his hands on another woman like this I’d leave him. It’s too fucking familiar. Yes, I kissed him on Christmas Eve, so technically, he didn’t cheat, but he still speaks to me. Did he tell her about that night? Even if I feel like he betrayed me.