“Of course, but there was something she said to me as she left that puzzled the fuck out of me. I told her to wrap up, and she retorted, leading me to only one thought.”

“What is it?”

“She said, maybe you should have thought of that. What the fuck does that mean?”

“Does she think you have an STI or you knocked someone up?” Okay, so we’re on the same page. At least I hadn’t considered the whole venereal disease.

“Exactly what I was thinking. But why? There’s no fucking way either of those things happened and no one in town would be talking that shit.”

“I don’t know.”

“Okay, well you don’t have your next client until eleven so let’s go over this for a few minutes, but then I’m going to need you on the top of your game. You’re one of the best I’ve ever seen and now I see you were wasting your time becoming a doctor.”

There’s a mental click in my head, a flash of lightning as the answer pops in my head. “That’s fucking it.” I clap my hands together, solving the damn problem.

“What is?”

“She was freaking out about me changing careers so fast. She asked me why the sudden change, and I said it was for the best.”

“And she thinks you needed to drop out to make money suddenly.”

“Not for the reasons she believed.”

“Yeah, you fucked up by bringing that girl to the Christmas party.”

“Shit, I know. She’s just a friend. I haven’t spoken to her more than a handful of times since I left the school.”

“Yeah, but you rubbed a woman in Bethany’s face, and for the past year, it’s probably all she’s thought about.”

“Grant told her nothing was going on between us.”

“Yes, she was smashed. Do you think she remembered or believed it?”

A knock at the door interrupts our conversation. “Sir, your wife is on the line.”

“I have to take this. At least you know what the problem is and how you can fix this, so let it go for the rest of the morning and get your job done.” He’s right. Now that I have that solved, it’s time to get work done.

My meetings fly by and it’s almost time for me to call it a day early so I can pick up Bethany when Lennox steps into my office. “Hey, I have this for you today.” He handed me an envelope. “Go ahead and check it out.”

“What’s this?” I take a peek at what’s inside and my mouth drops open.

“Your cut of the Walker account.”

“What?” This is the biggest cut I’d received so far.

“In the past year you have moved up the ladder faster than any of the members of the team I’ve ever worked with. Hell, you’re up there with Sawyer and myself. You keep this up and who knows where you’ll go, but for now, get out of here and spend the weekend winning over that woman you have been trying to run away from for several years.”

I wave the envelope in the air. “This sure as hell will help.”

“I know it will.” I shake his hand before he leaves, pack up my things, and head out of the office. It will be a longer weekend, but my first stop is the bank. I need to deposit this into my savings. The line moves quickly, and thankfully, I’m on my way to her school well before she gets out of her final class for the day.

The weather conditions only worsened as I approached the school, which worked in my favor because I had no intention of letting her return to Holly Hills until things were squared away with us. Until she understood that there was only us and had only ever been us and no one else. Until she realized I didn’t give up my path to be a doctor for anyone but her.

Driving through the heavy sleet and snow mix, I make it to the school about fifteen minutes before she gets out so I wait outside her classroom door which is good because I want to check out these assholes for myself. Immediately, I see two assholes with their eyes glued to my woman and not their papers in front of them. I want to forget everything I was taught and smash their heads in, but I remain calm.

Chapter Three


Everyone’s in love and happy; babies are sprouting everywhere like freaking fresh blooms, and I’m sitting here in class, wanting to cry. It’s the end of the fall semester, and Christmas break is around the corner. The holiday I’ve grown to hate. It used to be my favorite until last Christmas Eve, when I had my heart smashed to pieces.

I swallow hard as I stare at the last few minutes on the clock, waiting for the hand to reach the top of the hour. Standing by the door is my ride back into town, my former friend and my crush, Colter North. He’s hot, brilliant, and unavailable. The same man who had the nerve to pretend to care when he’s the one who broke my heart.