“I happen to know one of them,” I confess.

“You do?” Her eyes bug out and she grabs onto my arm painfully.

I try to calm her down by kissing her temple, and then I unhook her claws from my skin. “Yes, he’s a client of Lennox’s.”

“Oh, which one.”

“The one who said goodbye.”

“Crazy. So Lennox is doing illegal shit?” I know she’s immediately going to worry about Celeste and the babies, but it’s not like that.

“No. Not all Russian mob ties are illegal, but that doesn’t mean it’s cool either, so unfortunately I want to get as far away from here as soon as possible.”

“Okay. Let’s go before someone starts following us.” I help her inside and then I get in and drive us away toward my parents’ home.

They live in a modest house in the middle of town. My father is a carpenter and my mother is a preschool teacher and they’ve been married for thirty years.

My mother wants to learn to bake something from scratch for their anniversary which is this coming week and that’s why Bethany is helping. She loves her like a daughter and of course it’s because she wants me to marry her already. Everyone but Bethany has been clued into my obsession it seems.

“So that was a bit adventurous today,” she says as soon we come down the mountain.

“Add that to the exciting weekend.”

“Fingers crossed that’s the last time we see the Russians.”

“Totally.” I don’t believe it even as I say it because I now have business ties with them.

The drive to my parents is a short one, so we quickly arrive to their home and pull into their long driveway beside their house. I get out first before walking around to help my woman who suddenly sits frozen in her seat. I opened the door and stared at her.

Bethany is biting down on her bottom lip while staring off into space. “What’s wrong?”

“What if they don’t want us together?” she says, twirling the edge of her scarf.

“Are you kidding? Baby girl, love of my life. My mother has been waiting for this day almost as long as I have.”

“Are you serious?”

“Extremely serious. I’m sure she’s waiting inside ready to ambush you about marriage and babies.” I intentionally pressed my hand to her belly, reminding her that I hadn’t used any protection whenever we had sex because I had no plans of wasting any more time. Maybe it’s too soon, maybe it’s not. Either way, I’ll let fate take its course.

Bethany takes a look down at my hands and then up at me, her tension easing. “Then what are we waiting for?”

“Well, we can’t have sex right here,” I tease.

“I meant going inside to see your parents, you ass.” She playfully slaps my chest, but it’s padded with my coat, sweaters, and scarf, so it doesn’t hurt one bit.

“Pissing her off already,” Grant calls out from the porch. He probably came to see what was taking so long.

“Already?” I say. “When am I not ticking her off?”

“Earlier, you were turning me on,” she whispers. Fuck, I’m so glad it’s icy cold out here so I’m only at half-staff. I adjust myself in my slacks and fix my coat so no one can see what she’s doing to me.

“Well, come on and get this over so I can turn you on some more.” She hops out of the truck, taking my hand while I use the other to close it. We make our way up the porch and Grant shakes my hand before giving her a hug. I try to contain my rage and remember that he loves his wife so much.

“Oh my goodness. There you are. We were hoping you weren’t too busy and could still make it,” mom says, throwing her arms around Bethany like I don’t even exist. Smiling at my two favorite women, I shake my father’s hand.

“She’s been on edge all morning. I bet you haven’t seen the house this clean since Father Rodgers came over.”

“Oh Charles, that’s not nice.” She slaps his chest and I’m wondering if we North men just never learn. Finally, my mother decides I’m worthy of a hug and gives me one.

“Hey sons, why don’t you lend me some hands in the garage while the ladies work.” Grant nods and then I look at Bethany to assure she’s okay with that.

“Go ahead,” she says.

“Oh it’s so cute. Asking for permission.” I’m going to punch my brother in the balls one of these days. He’s got enough kids now.

“Look who’s talking. I remember you didn’t leave your wife’s side for the first year of marriage. You didn’t walk away until she had to tell you to get lost,” my father teases him. “Come on, you two. Let’s leave the ladies alone for a while.” She’s at work or he’d be up her ass right now.