“It was my father’s second in command, his underboss. As soon as I spotted him, I took off and ran. The fact that he sent him, it must mean that they’re finally going to make me marry the evil bastard.”

“They want you to marry the second-in-command?” Ouch, that seems a bit much. I wonder if he’s some old, gross looking door with scars and a bulbous nose with all the pot marks from all the vodka he drinks. It’s clear from Milana’s accent that she’s clearly from Russian or some Eastern European country.

“No, the heir to another family. It’s the reason I ran to America in the first place. I thought I was safe for all these years, but it seems I’m not.”

“Well, we’re going to take you to Holly Hills for now. That way you’ll be out of their way. Hopefully we’ll know if we’re being followed soon.”

“Thank you.” She wipes her tears on her sleeve, so I dig into my bag, grab my little package of tissues and hand them to her. “You’re so sweet. It’s no wonder Colter loves you so much.”

I blush. He takes my hand and brings it to his lips, kissing it as we make the drive out of the city. The weather stays clear all the way there. We were nearly there when his gas hits the low fuel, so we stopped at a nearby station. Thankfully we weren’t being tailed by any particular vehicle, so we made the pit stop.

While we were there, our burly neighbor who lived up in the mountains happened to be there as well. “Hello, Seth.”

“Hello Bethany, Colter. Who is she?” He doesn’t even make eye contact with us. All his focus is on Milana.

“This is a friend of ours,” I answer. “Milana, this is Seth.”

“Milana,” he says. She actually shivers at the sound of his voice and I try to hide the grin on my face, but it stretches like the Grinch as I watch the way he just marked his prey and she accidentally let him.

“Actually, it’s good that we bumped into you. Your cabin might be the perfect place for Milana to be right now.”

“What?” We all three blurt out.

“Hear me out. See, Milana’s being stalked and…”

“She’s coming with me,” Seth says, cutting Colter off. Yep, I knew it. Another one bites the dust.

“But I don’t have anything to wear…”

“I can drop some things off,” I offer. Although I already know the thoughts running through Seth’s head.

“Until she does, I’ll give you some clothes.”

“Are you sure I’ll be safe?”

“I’d never let anything happen to your pretty little self.”

“I’m sure you’ll be fine. In fact, his cabin is very remote and secure which means you’ll be well protected which is more than I can offer in Holly Hills.”

“Come on, princess. Let’s get you what you wanted and get you on the way.” I give her a hug and whisper. “Damn, be careful or you won’t be needing any clothes.”

She blushes. “Thank you for coming to get me and offering your help. I know how dangerous this is.” She hugs me back and then Seth takes her hand, dragging her along through the gas station to get some goodies.

“Are you sure we should leave her with him?” I ask as Colter takes me back to his SUV.

“Yes. Honestly, I like Milana, but I’m not up for babysitting or going up against hardened criminals for anyone but you. And I sure as fuck don’t want to put you in harms way. If Seth wants to get in the way, so let it be.”

“You really don’t care about her like that, do you?”

“I thought I made it clear, baby.”

“I know, but I just…”

“I told you before and I’ll tell you a million times. You’re the only one for me and you’ll always be the only one for me, so buckle up and let’s go say hello to your parents, get your things, and head to bed. Tomorrow is going to be a busy day.”

“Busy day?” I hope he doesn’t have to do a bunch of work stuff.

“Yes, I want to make the most of our time together before I go back to work on Monday.”

“I’d like that, but remember I have to help your mother, so I’ll be there for a few hours.”

“Yes, but that’s at twelve. In the morning, you’re mine and then we’ll drop off the clothes to Milana and then we’ll stop by my parents. Afterward, we’ll go around town and enjoy some of Holly Hills together as a couple. Sunday we can drive back to New York and then I can take you around the city for our date as promised.”

“I’d like that.”

“Good. I want to make you happy, Bethany.”

Chapter Six


Sliding between her legs is the best way to wake up. I envisioned breakfast in bed so many times over the years, I’d nut before getting up many mornings. My snack stirs in her sleep when I part her sweet little petals, lightly sighing as I breathe softly on her sticky bun. My tongue swipes across her entrance, and she gasps. I lift my gaze and see her smiling at me.