The entire room goes silent, save for the sound of the surfer handing his joint to Axel.
“Why would you trust us?” Axel inhales.
“You’re the only ones I trust,” I fire right back because it’s the truth. The Disciples might be a lot of things, but loyalty is not a weakness of theirs.
“So, Courtney is your old lady?” Blade leans forward as all eyes stay on me because that question throws me for a second.
“She’s mine,” I growl, ready to leap over the table and punch Axel’s face as he snorts and picks up his phone again to text.
Instead, I turn my focus on Blade’s deep green eyes that are looking at me like he knows everything, and I’m some sad sack who hasn’t figured the secret out.
“Poet, text Frosty, tell him to get his ass over here and bring his laptop,” he says all this, his eyes never leaving my face.
“Appreciate it. I will of course pay—”
“We don’t want your money, Ammo,” Blade states.
“Hashtag Marshey all the way.” This time Axel full-on grins, and the guys start laughing, even Blade’s mouth twitches.
“Fuck this.” I stand, “I’ll hire a PI.” I need to get out of here before I beat the shit out of Axel.
“Relax.” Blade stands, “Look, you know Axel.” Blade walks around the table. “He’s fucking with you. I said we will take care of it, and we will.”
“I came here because, all bullshit aside, we were friends…” Looking over at Axel, who slowly pushes the chair back and stands up before tossing his phone on the table, I leave the rest of that sentence open-ended.
“What would ever make you think that, Ammo?” Axel walks toward me. “If I was your friend, you’d know it.” For a second, I’m stunned. I mean, I know we had this rival thing going on when he quit the band. But I seriously thought that was all for show.
“You don’t like me, Axel.” I look him straight in the eyes. “That’s fine, I can live with it, what I need doesn’t require your friendship.” Taking a step toward him so we’re almost nose to nose as he stares at me, the only thing that I hear is the slight hum of the neon beer sign.
“Fair enough.” He smiles, “My girls are big fans of Courtney.”
My eyes narrow on his as he arches a dark brow at me. He knows I want to hit him…fuck that, he wants me to lose my shit on him because it’s what makes Axel, Axel.
My fist tightens but I smile right back, because I’m not gonna give him the satisfaction or my power, I’m better than that.
“I’m sure she’d love to meet them; we’ll have to arrange something.” I arch a brow right back.
The sound of the door opening makes Axel turn, then say over his shoulder. “How’s Nuke doing? He’s staying with you, right?”
“What?” I hiss, as I watch a guy who looks like he should be in front of a classroom rather than wearing a Disciples cut. This has to be the hacker.
“He’s staying with you. I mean, that’s what you told us at my sister’s party, the one you rudely left in the middle of.” He sits back down in the chair.
“Nuke is fine, I’m seeing him tonight.” Because fuck Axel and his judgmental tone. Now that he’s mentioned it, though, where the hell is Nuke? He has no home, he’s a multimillionaire squatter.
Christ, one trainwreck at a time.
“Frosty, this is Ammo, he needs our help,” Blade announces. The guy looks at me. He’s slender, but lean, as he straightens his glasses.
“How can I help?”
“Courtney Falcon has a stalker.” I bring out my phone with pictures of the fucking book. The book that I never even read fully because it was so stupid and haven’t thought about it in years but is now haunting me as I show him, watching Axel and the blond surfer share the joint as they look over Frosty’s shoulder.
“He’s highlighting shit on you?” Frosty says.
“Yeah, and he put cameras in her house, one was in her bedroom facing her bathroom.” My voice is dead because I still can’t really think about that, or I will get violent.
“Huh.” Frosty keeps scrolling through my pictures. “And this?” He turns the cell for me to see.
“That was today, he left it at the studio. My manager found it this morning when he stopped in.”
“And you trust him?” Frosty cocks his head at me.
“He’s like a father to me,” I snap. “Look, Rafe is not the stalker, it’s a man named…”
“Mike Zane,” Frosty answers for me. “I know all about it.” He sets down his laptop and looks over at Axel, who hands me the joint.
Fuck it, at this point I could use some numbness.
“You’re positive it’s Zane?” He cracks his knuckles as his laptop turns on, and his fingers glide over the keyboard.