Page 35 of Reign (Rock God)

“Yeah, that’s it, give it to me.” His lips touch mine as if he can steal my very soul with just an inhale, and I let him, because I realize that I’d let him do anything to me just to feel this way over and over again.

“Feeling better?” His eyes caress my face as everything that just went down slowly dawns on me.

“Oh my God.” I jerk my skirt down and frantically look around, forcing my brain to work.

“Ammo? What about the cameras?” I wave my arm around.

He grins as he pulls out his phone, and my heart that hasn’t even slowed down almost leaps out of my chest.

God, he’s hot with that devilish smirk on his too-handsome face. And those freaking tattoos.

Great, I’m so distracted by the orgasms he gives me, I can’t remember all the reasons why I need to hate him.

This, Courtney.

This is exactly why, he’s not a god, he’s just a man. A man who’s fucked so many women, in every way imaginable, that he probably could finish me off with just his filthy voice.


“Rafe, I need you to get rid of the last ten minutes of all security footage in the garage,” Ammo demands into the phone as I just watch.

“Whatever, pay them…Courtney needed some stress relief.” And my face that was already hot suddenly burns, because he just told his manager that he… Oh my God.

“Are you insane?” I hiss, grabbing his arm, as he grins and holds the helmet at me.

“Yeah, I need to go.” He hangs up and pockets his cell as his jeans dip down, showing off that V as his abs flex.

I close my eyes for a second because I’m out of control, like, what am I even doing? It’s him, that’s what the problem is, and why I can’t think straight. The helmet getting dumped on my head snaps me out of all my admiring and self-admonishment.

“Get on the bike, Courtney.” His voice is back to being demanding, but the terror of earlier is gone. I’m really trying not to convince myself that I’m not like all those other women. You know the ones who fall for the bad guy.

Jesus, Courtney, you just let him finger fuck you in a parking garage…who are you kidding? You are just like them.

Maybe not, I was panicking. But now I feel weird…vulnerable. If I could run, I would, but I can’t, so screw it. Might as well let him take me home. There’s no way I can get away from him now without giving him even more of my power. And running would make me look worse than I already do.

This is how he does it, he manipulates women with being a sex god. You know what, I’m too tired to even care. I just want to get home. God, he’s straddling the bike and his jeans are clinging to his muscular thighs. Thank God I have the stupid helmet on and the dark visor protects me from letting him know that I can’t stop staring at him.

“Let’s go, babe.” He grins and holds out his hand.

“Fine,” I snap, ignoring his tattoos as I swing a leg over and instantly feel the warm leather seat on my sexed-up pussy, then I almost scream as he starts up the bike. The loud rumble sounding like thunder, going straight to my already sensitive and swollen core.

“Oh my God.” I lean my helmeted head on his back, seriously considering jumping off.

“Court, stop squirming. Enjoy the ride.” His tan, tattooed hand reaches back to caress my thigh as I lift my head to see his smiling profile.

Ass. Hole.

“Here.” He grabs the back of my legs and scoots me close, so close I can smell him again through the helmet.

It’s fresh, and completely addictive. I allow him to wrap my hands tight around his abs, then grit my teeth as he twists the throttle, and the bike starts to purr.

“Relax, and don’t let go,” he yells, as we jerk forward, speeding up the ramp, the thick metal gate already open for us, as either terror or adrenaline, maybe both, spikes through me because what have I gotten myself into?

I close my eyes and just hold onto him. He feels strong, and it’s not just his physique, his whole being, and his personality. He’s larger than life, a master at all things.

I hate feeling out of control, and everything to do with this man makes me feel rather off-balance as I cling to him and open my eyes as we stop at a stoplight.

His warm hands reach to squeeze mine, and I really wish he would stop that. I’m already breathless. A loud horn goes off as the car next to us rolls down their window.

“Ammoooo, I love you.” The girl reaches out the window to him. Great, he doesn’t have a helmet on. He’s gonna be recognized the whole ride back to my place. Wait, this is not the way to my place.