Page 66 of Fractured Royals

“Why’d you do it, huh? Take Eli King under your wing, befriend him, lend him a car, and then accuse him of stealing it?”

Mateo’s face is growing redder the more I talk. He’s about to break. I can feel it. I just have to keep pushing him.

“What was it? You were taking a cut of all his winnings. But that just wasn’t enough, was it? Or was it after he found out just who the hell you’re working for?”

Something flashes in his eyes, and he knows that I know.

“If you don’t wanna die, I’d shut your fucking mouth,” he seethes.

“Nice, another threat. How on par for you. Here’s the thing though, I don’t give a fuck who your employer is, but Eli did, didn’t he? He wanted out and you just couldn’t have that,” I say, getting in his face.

He looks like he’s about two seconds from swinging on me, and I wish he fucking would.

“So, you accuse him of stealing your car, press charges and make sure he’s put away for it. What happened, huh? He find out about all the sick shit your boss is into? Or did he find out you were into it, too? He couldn’t get away from you fast enough, could he? So you did what you could to get rid of him,” I taunt and then watch as he snaps.

“I could have done a lot worse, too. Jail is the least of his fucking worries. If I wanted to get rid of him, I damn sure had every opportunity to do it,” he yells, and then stops.

Shock colors his face as he realizes what he just did.

“Damn, Chavez, that sounded like a fucking confession to me. I don’t know, though. Did that sound like a confession to you, Officer Harding?”

“Sure as fuck did,” Sander says as he steps out of the crowd, badge held up where anyone can see it. “Mateo Chavez, you’re under arrest…”

Sander goes on to read him his rights, slapping the cuffs on in what I assume to be a very satisfying moment.

I don’t know how much of this will hold, but it’s damn sure enough to hold him for a lot more than just questioning this time around.

Milo waltzes over, grinning from ear to ear.

“Nice job, man,” he says, slapping his hand against mine before tossing a black canvas backpack into my arms.

“What’s this?” I ask.

“Just a little something to help your girl out,” he says, and I open the bag.

“Holy shit,” I say, peering at the contents of the bag.

“Holy shit, indeed.”


I watched the whole thing unfold with bated breath.

Then Sander’s voice came over the phone.

“Got him,” and I swear I almost cried. I watched him walk out of the crowd and approach Mateo, putting him in cuffs.

They did it. They actually did it. I don’t want to say that I doubted them, but after dealing with this chaos for two years, I didn’t want to get my hopes up.

“Thank goodness,” Ma cried out and reached for me, pulling me into her warm embrace.

It felt like I could finally breathe again.

Just under an hour later, I watch from the front window as Bodhi and milo pull up to the house, parking beside one another.

I run out the front door and launch myself into his arms, crying silent, grateful tears into the crook of his neck.

I don’t know what I did to deserve him, but I know that I will do everything in my power to keep from fucking it up. No more pushing him away. No more keeping secrets.