My heart slams wildly in my chest, and the sound drowns out everything else around me.
Three words. Just three words, and that terror I felt in those moments before I went over that cliff crawls back inside my chest.
“What does is it say?” Bodhi asks.
I raise my eyes to look at him, and his face pinches with concern. He takes the card from my tight grip and reads it, swearing once before handing it over to Sander.
Bodhi draws me into his chest, holding me closely. His hands smooth over the back of my head, and he whispers reassurances into my ear. Promises that he won’t let anything happen to me. He’ll never leave my side. Everything is going to be okay.
But will it?
How can it, when he’s clearly found out where I am?
This fight is far from over.
After getting rid of the flowers, Keaton went inside to lay down.
I didn’t think that she was actually going to sleep or anything, but all of this was too much.
She was supposed to be safe here. We took every precaution to ensure that no one knew where we were.
I called Milo and Madelyn to make sure that they hadn’t told anyone they’d come out here to help me yesterday, and neither of them had. Milo swears he wasn’t followed but Maddie wouldn’t have looked out for something like that.
“Do you think someone recognized Rob or even Regina?” Sander asks as we sit alone at the table.
Regina and my mom became quick friends and now they're making Rob help them weed the garden and get it ready for a fresh start.
“I don’t know. Anything is possible, but would someone have had the time to follow them out here and then go back and order flowers?” I ask, trying to run through it in my mind.
“Maybe, if he called them in, but it would have been pretty damn close,” Sander says.
He called in and requested that a squad car be stationed out front until we can figure out what’s happening. They got here about thirty minutes ago and have been posted out front since then. I don’t see how they do it; I would be bored out of my mind.
“This is bullshit, man,” I say, resting my chin against my fisted hand.
“Yeah, I know,” he says, clearly just as annoyed as me.
“So, what do we do?” I ask, not willing to sit around and wait for him to show up and hurt Keaton.
“Unfortunately, there isn’t much more we can do. We’ve got guys stationed out front watching everything. There’s an APB out on Mateo, so anyone who sees him should hopefully call it in. Until then, I’m afraid we have to wait.”
“Okay, but then what?” I ask.
“What do you mean?”
“Once you find him and bring him in, what then?” I ask.
Sander leans back in his chair, flattening his hands against the tabletop, and takes a deep breath before speaking.
“Well, we can bring him in on questioning, but without any proof that he had anything to do with the accident, there’s not much we can hold him on legally.”
“Are you serious?” I balk.
“Trust me, I wish there was more we could do, but I have to go by the book, and without any evidence linking him to her accident, we’ve got nothing,” he says, shaking his head.
“What about probable cause?” I suggest.