Page 26 of Ender's Curiosity

His chuckle said I hadn’t hidden that reaction very well, but he didn’t seem to mind because he kept toying with my dick. “Yes, that’s going to be hard for such a good overthinker like yourself, but if you want to come, you need to try.”

I wanted to come.

“But…but I can just get another shower later if I can’t…if I can’t be good, right?” I was really not that smart, but in my defense, my brain was still very foggy and I couldn’t grasp how dangerous that question was.

“No.” Leif’s succinct answer was punctuated by a kiss on my neck. “My sub. My dick. My orgasms. And I say no touching.”

Another pat to my cock…well, his cock that was attached to my body…had sparks firing through me even though he’d probably just meant to make things perfectly clear.


“My dick to tease. My dick to play with. My dick to torment. Are we clear?”

Maybe not.

“I…I think…” Oh, I wasn’t thinking at all, so I had to take a deep breath and shove the first words that were trying to escape back hard. I was not going to promise him whatever he wanted just because slapping my dick around was erotic as fuck.

“I understand what you want and I’m willing to go over rules for that.” Yes. I could be reasonable and not give in to completely irresponsible fantasies. “I need to understand what those rules mean to you before I agree to that completely.”

Leif made a thoughtful hum and nuzzled against me. “Yes, limits and rules. That’s a very good idea.”

Somehow he made it sound like a dangerous one, but I knew I couldn’t let that stop me.

“Alright, we’ll discuss reasonable rules, but for tonight, I want you to agree that I give you an orgasm or you just don’t get one on your own.” Leif’s idea was a good compromise, but I must not have answered him quickly enough because he started running one finger under the head of my dick. “We both know how much you’re going to love giving me control. Let me hear you say it.”


He knew me too well.


But he was currently the asshole playing with my erection and nuzzling my neck, so…

“Yes.” There weren’t that many hours left in the day. “But…but the day ends at midnight and you…you can’t keep playing with me…it…if you know you’re not going to give me another orgasm.”

He scoffed and I knew he rolled his eyes even though I wasn’t ready to look yet. “Of course, I’m going to give you another…if you’re a good boy. This is fun.”

He had a few screws loose but it seemed I liked that in a Dom.

“Then we have a deal.”

And I had a few loose as well.

Chapter 8


“There is no way with that scowl that you can be happy or happy.” I glanced down at his lap and raised one eyebrow, which just made him press his legs together tighter as he moved his hand across his thighs.

He was definitely overthinking the situation, but the chances of him still being hard were very good…I just wanted to make him admit it.

“I’m not worried and I’m not unhappy.” Ender’s scowl shifted toward more of a frown as he wiggled, probably trying to adjust his erection. “You keep coming too close for me to be unhappy.”

So just having me around him made him hard?

I must’ve misunderstood that, but I took the opportunity to test the theory and fuck with the frowning pup again. “Let’s see then.”

Walking around the back of the couch as his eyes got wider and wider, I leaned over and stroked my hands down his chest. “Do you like it when I get close to you?”