I blew out a harsh breath, trailing my eyes over my wife’s face. Color had returned to her cheeks, which helped me relax a little. She was going to be okay. She always was. I had to remember that.

“She was showering, and I heard her shout for me. I was there a split second too late, and she hit her head on the side of the tub when she fell. Her sugar was low. I gave her a glucagon shot to raise her sugar levels. I don’t think she counted her carbs correctly and overbolused.”

“Has she woken up at all?” the nurse asked me.

I shook my head. “No,” I muttered. “She’s been out cold since she hit her head.”

The nurse nodded. “I’ll get her information run and get a wristband for her. In the meantime, try to relax while you wait for the doctor, okay? He’ll probably order a CT scan for her, just to check for a concussion.”

I nodded and sank into the chair beside Everlee’s bed, blowing out a harsh breath. I rubbed my palms together before reaching up and grabbing her hand in mine, linking our fingers together. I brushed my thumb over her knuckles, watching her face for any sign she might be coming to, but there was nothing.

A few minutes later, Dr. Turner stepped in, smiling warmly at me. “You’re in luck. I’m working the ER tonight,” he said. My shoulders relaxed the tiniest bit. At least Everlee would be seeing her normal doctor. He strode over to the other side of her bed. “How have you been, Tripp?”

“Better,” I muttered.

He hummed in acknowledgment, already busy doing his examination of Everlee. After a couple of minutes, he looked at me. “I’m going to order a CT scan to be done. I’m positive she has a concussion, but I’d still like to do a test to be absolutely positive and check for any swelling.” I swallowed thickly. “Her sugar levels are good right now, but if I understood correctly, she fell and hit her head because they were low?”

I nodded. “She wouldn’t have called for me while she was in the shower if something wasn’t wrong. More than likely, she got dizzy when her levels dropped too far.”

He nodded, making a note on his iPad. “When she comes to, I’ll talk to her about making sure she double checks she’s putting in for the correct amount of insulin,” he told me. “In the meantime, just sit tight. I’m going to keep her overnight for observation, but a nurse should be in shortly to take her to radiology.”

“Thanks, doc,” I murmured.

He smiled at me. “You’re taking real good care of her, Tripp. Don’t worry so much.”

He slipped out of the room, quietly shutting the door behind him. I blew out a harsh breath.

Everyone kept telling me I was taking care of her, but if I was, then would I really be feeling like I kept failing her?



Everlee relaxed back into the couch with a tired sigh. I knew her head was hurting her. Concussions weren’t fun. My brothers and I had all had our fair share of them working on this ranch, and we’d definitely gotten a lot as kids. But it still didn’t make me feel any better knowing Everlee had one. They hurt, and the recovery from even just a minor one took a few weeks.

The headaches from them were the absolute worst.

The doctor had talked to Everlee about double-checking the amount of insulin she was giving herself. She’d been just the slightest bit loopy from smacking her head on the side of the tub, so I wasn’t sure how much she retained of that conversation, but I’d retained all of it. So, until she was feeling better, I could still look out for her.

“How are you feeling?” I asked her.

She shrugged and closed her eyes. “Head hurts,” she confessed. I sat on the couch and drew her into my arms, hoping some cuddles would make her feel at least a little better. She sighed as she relaxed into me, resting her head on my chest. “This helps,” she mumbled.

I brushed my lips to the top of her head. “Good. Get some rest, sweetheart.” Grabbing the remote from the coffee table, I turned on the TV to a football game and turned the volume low so the noise wouldn’t make her headache worse. She closed her eyes, snuggling into me even further. My heart skipped a beat in my chest.

This woman owned me, and she had no idea.

It wasn’t long before her breathing evened out, and I tightened my hold on her, relishing in the feel of her in my arms.

Nothing in the world could ever compare to this.

Ever walked into the kitchen, rubbing the heel of her hand against her eye as she quietly yawned. It was snowing heavily outside, the blizzard so bad, all I could see was a bunch of white when I looked out the window. We’d probably lose power soon, which was why I was trying to cook something that would last us for a few days before I couldn’t anymore.

My brothers had already locked all the animals up and secured everything before rushing home. It was going to be pretty ugly until the storm ended, but it wasn’t the first time the four of us had gone through a blizzard, and it certainly wouldn’t be the last. Montana was notorious for them.

“Hey,” I quietly greeted. “You okay?”

She nodded. “Hungry,” she mumbled.