He could use all the pretty words and all the pretty lies to make me stay and open myself up, but he didn't have all the facts. He didn't know that if I wanted to, I could knock him out now and kill him on the spot, finishing this mission before it even started. He didn't know that the only reason I came to this godforsaken place was him, and not for the reasons he might have thought.
But God, I didn't want him dead. It was fast, it was instant, this lust I felt for him, but every time I thought of him dying, my heart squeezed painfully, making it hard to breathe.
And the same happened right now.
His tongue licked from my opening all the way to my clit, while he lifted my leg above his shoulder, burying his face in my cunt. His other hand still held my wrist, and there was no way I would be able to move even if I wanted to. He ate me out like a man on a mission, like someone that wanted more than I could give.
I guess we were both looking for salvation in the wrong places, hoping two wrongs could make one right. He was running from his misery, from his demons, and I was trying to silence my own. We were just using each other, believing in the fairy tale of what it would be like if we were only two random people attracted to each other, with nothing else holding us back.
A torment lived inside of him. I saw it every time I looked into his eyes. So much pain that the first time I spoke to him I thought he would wrap me in it and cage me until I would never want to leave again. He had no idea how much he showed if only one were to look deep into his eyes.
But people so very rarely did, because they were too preoccupied with their own shit to worry about someone else's. They were too busy, too unobservant because it was easier going through your day if you didn't have to think about anyone else.
Humans, in a nutshell, were selfish beings, and I was one of them, because I didn't want to get lost in the dark abyss that called out for me. Begged me to accept it, to look at it and help it.
Adrian suddenly pulled my clit with his teeth, making me yell out loud, and as I looked down at him I could see the glistening on his chin and the desire brimming in those eyes.
"Stay with me, Bambi," he ordered, rubbing his forefinger around my opening, igniting the fire in me higher and higher, until I was nothing more than need and yearning for what only he could give me. "That's it, baby. That's my good girl. Look at me when I eat you out."
"Oh, fuck!" I bellowed as his finger entered me, stretching me slowly just as his mouth descended back on my clit. I had no idea when he let go of my hand, but instead of putting it aside, I buried my fingers in his dark mane, ripping a few strands when a second finger joined, bringing me higher and higher and higher and— "Adrian!" He pressed against something inside of me, and my entire body shook, my belly clenching.
Yet instead of stopping, he laughed, the vibrations washing over my clit, and I knew there was no stopping the eruption inside of me. My entire body shook with the aftershocks of my orgasm, and instead of moving away, he kept lapping at me, eating me out as if he couldn't get enough.
My mouth formed an O, my eyes rolling into the back of my head, when he pushed in a third digit, stretching me to the point of pain. I was already sensitive from the orgasm that was still rocking through me, but nothing could have prepared me for the shock of the second one that came within seconds as Adrian increased his pace.
My entire body tightened, snapping in the last second, as the shock of the orgasm of all orgasms shook through me, starting at my tiptoes, rising through my legs and connecting in my center, making me explode around his fingers.
"That's it, Bambi," he purred, pressing soft kisses to the inside of my thigh. "Let me taste you. Show me what only I can do to you." His words shouldn't have made me even wetter, but as he drank up every last drop of my release, climbing up my body with kisses above my shirt, and stopping at my lips, I realized I was in more trouble than I initially thought.
And I wanted more.
I wanted to feel him, to see him lose control.
His lips pressed against mine, softly at first, claiming me within seconds with a punishing grip as he bit down on my lower lip. Tasting myself on him should have been repulsive, I always thought it would be, but it only made me want him more. His fingers weren't enough. His lips weren't enough.
"I want you inside me," I murmured between kisses, holding him tightly around his neck. "I need you inside me," I enunciated, uncaring how that made me sound. He stilled above me, his cock nestled between my folds, sliding through my pussy lips, firing me up from the inside out.
"You have no idea what you're asking of me," he rasped, holding himself as still as possible, but it was as if his hips had a mind of their own. "God," he groaned, dropping on his elbows right next to my head, hiding his face in the crook of my neck. "I don't have any condoms."
"We don't need them." I winced the moment the words came out of my mouth.
It didn't bother me before, the fact that I had the best birth control known to women, but for whatever reason, it bothered me now. Not because I wanted to have kids. Not because I wanted to have them with Adrian, but because it was yet another choice that was taken away from me, when I was too young to understand what was happening.
I could still remember the smell of that sterile room my handler brought me to, and the old doctor leering down at me as he told me to count to ten when he placed the mask over my face. I still remembered the aching pain in the pit of my stomach when I woke up the next day, asking what had happened.
It took me years to understand what they'd done to my body.
It was my body. My fucking choice, yet they sterilized us like animals, taking away the possibility of ever having children. They treated us like cattle, like we were nothing more than animals. But they never did the same to my male colleagues. They never tried to take away their choices from them, with the reasoning that they wouldn't become overly emotional if they impregnated some random girl.
As if women were these hyperemotional beings, incapable of making decisions based on logic and not simply emotions.
"You're on birth control?" he asked, pulling slightly away to look down at me.
"Something like that," I lied, because there was no way I would ever tell him that I could never have kids. “I’m gonna trust that you’re clean.” I arched an eyebrow at him, hoping against hope that he would confirm it. Not being able to have kids was one thing, but I could still catch an STD if I wasn't careful enough.
"I'm clean." He smirked. "Or would you like to see the test I took just before coming to the Academy?"
"No," I shook my head, "I think we're good." I looked down his body, almost laughing at how idiotic we looked half dressed and fucking in the middle of the cemetery. I wrapped my legs around his waist, pulling him down onto me. "Now," I murmured, licking the shell of his ear as he leaned down. "I need you to fuck me like you hate me, Adrian. That shouldn't be too hard for you."