Page 90 of The Pretty Savage

Vega wasn't one of the girls I met during those stuffy functions my father threw together. She wasn't someone that would believe the words I said just because they came out of my mouth. She needed to be reassured. She needed to know I meant everything I said, and her finding that file was something I never thought would happen.

But maybe the reason why I left it in plain sight was me subconsciously trying to get it over with and start our lives together. I just never thought it would blow up like this.

"I don't like seeing you like this," Dante said, and as I opened my eyes I saw the frown marring his face.

"Like what?"

"Heartbroken." He shrugged. "I don't think I have ever seen you looking like this, and, man, we need to fix this. Why don't you go to her? Why didn't you try to explain what happened?"

"I did," I huffed. "Don't you think I did? I tried telling her, explaining, but she wouldn't listen. And I understand why, but her lack of trust in me hurts, okay? I thought we were starting to trust each other. I told her all about Dain, for fuck's sake." Dante winced. "Yeah, exactly. I want her, Dante, and it isn't just some fucked-up sex thing. I could get that anywhere and at any time, but I. Want. Her."

"I get it, just, uh, maybe try not to mention sex once Arseniy gets here, because he will definitely punch you in your face if he hears that."

I chuckled. "Noted." My chest expanded with the deep breath I took and slowly deflated just as I stood up. "What do I do? I can't march over there and demand her to talk to me. I feel powerless."

"Give her time," Dante said. "I would maybe go tomorrow and talk to her, try to make her understand. She looks at you as if you invented fucking stars, man. It's gross." He gagged, making me smile for the first time tonight. "But if you're feeling this strongly about her?—"

"I am," I grunted.

"As I was saying," he rolled his eyes, "if you're feeling this strongly about her, then you gotta fight for your girl. You gotta do something."

My girl.

I liked the sound of that.

Vega was my girl whether she liked it or not. I was going to give her tonight, but tomorrow I was going to her and there was no way in hell I would be leaving without her in my arms.

"You're right. I'm going to?—"

"Adrian!" Jax's voice interrupted, booming in the night from the outside of the cabin, and as the door flew open, revealing him, red-faced and out of breath, I crossed the room toward him, trying to figure out what was happening. "Oh, thank fucking God you're here."

"Of course I'm here." Where else would I be? Jax and Dante both knew what happened and that Vega went back. I knew she was in her room, thanks to a little bird called Yolanda, who cursed at Jax when she saw him not too long ago. "What is happening?"

"Jesus, man," he keeled over, breathing heavily. "I thought you went there, to her building."

"Why would I go there? Jax, what's going on?"

He stood up, his eyes scanning the space around us. "Vega isn't here?" he asked, and I didn't like the tone of his voice.

"No, you know this."

"Jax," Dante warned behind me. "What's happening?"

"There's a fire," the man that was more my brother than my own announced. "It's one of the dorms." He looked at me then. "In Vega's building."

My body had a mind of its own, and without waiting for the two of them, I rushed out of the cabin and started running.

Vega's building, Jax's voice echoed in my mind as I ran toward it.

No, no, no, no.

Please, be okay. Please be fucking okay.

The closer I ran the more I could see the flames shining in the dark night, breaking through the treetops.

"Fuck!" I yelled out, pushing my legs to go faster, to just reach there. She had to be okay. She fucking had to.

People were heading in the same direction as me, and I saw a couple of other instructors running, trying to reach the building. And the moment I came to the clearing in front of the building, my heart dropped.