Unfortunately, the vague information I had on the Zylla family made this job so much harder than my other ones, but I would manage. All I knew was that he was already here at the Academy and that we would most probably see each other, but that was it. And maybe befriending Yolanda wouldn't hurt.
"Come on, Yo." I smiled, putting all my effort into making it seem natural. I couldn't remember the last time I had smiled for the sake of it, but I could do it. I was a good actress, or at least that was what everyone in the organization thought, and maybe being a social butterfly would get me where I wanted to be. "I promise I won't tell a soul." I lacked that natural inclination to mingle with people, mainly because I didn't like being surrounded by strangers, making small talk and pretending I was enjoying myself, but years of observing others had taught me how to do it if I ever needed to. Granted, none of my past jobs had me working with people my age, which was why I had to change tactics.
I was giving myself two months at most to get the information Heinrich was looking for, and to get rid of my target.
"Okay," she huffed, but her eyes sparkled with excitement. "But you really, really cannot tell anyone."
"I won't." I plastered a grin onto my face, and wrapped my hand around her elbow. "Come on," I pushed. "Tell me. What do you want to show me?"
"Well…" She bit her lower lip, looking up at me. "It might not be what you think it is, but only select students get to go there, and well, I have two invitations for tonight."
"Yo, I wanna know," I said all too cheerfully, mentally face-palming myself, because even to my own ears my voice was annoying. But it worked, for whatever reason, and just as we started walking again toward the dorms, led by Yolanda, she started talking.
"Shortly after the Academy was established, some of the students thought it would be a good idea to create, well, a secret society." She chuckled, while I promptly listened. "It is a public secret of sorts, but only select students get an invite every year, and I finally got mine."
Finally? "What do you mean finally?"
"Oh, silly me." Yolanda started laughing, increasing her pace. "This is my third year at the Academy. You know we spend only a year at the Academy, and I’ve already failed two times, so," she shrugged, "here I am again. And this year they were giving us passes for a plus-one. The people we think would fit with The Brotherhood." Well, shit, maybe she would be a lot more useful than I initially thought. Not to mention that I had no idea there was a secret society here, and I was pretty sure The Schatten had no idea either.
While she kept walking, I allowed myself a second to contemplate what I should do. But it didn't take me long to catch up with her, and to put on the mask I would have to wear during my time here at the Academy.
"I wanna know all about it, and I definitely want to go."
"Oh, yes. I had no idea that a secret society even existed here." Which wasn't a lie. "And I'm sure all those hot guys I've heard so much about are gonna be there."
"Oh man," she chuckled. "You have no idea. Oh my God, and guess what?" she exclaimed.
Time stood still as she looked at me, grinning from ear to ear. "Adrian Zylla is back at the Academy."
As much as I wanted to just jump on the opportunity and head straight into the secret lair Yolanda was describing, she had a point when she said that I should probably change or at least see where my room was going to be.
Albeit, calling it a room was the understatement of the year, because the size of this place was more of an apartment than a room. The moment we arrived in front of the dorm building, I understood that whoever had designed this place, most definitely wanted to keep up with the original design of the main building where most of the classes were being held. The building was created in a gothic style, from the tall arches on the windows to the pillars and the gargoyles looking down at us high from above, and I once again couldn't shake off the motherfucking feeling that someone was watching me.
The hair at the nape of my neck stood up, and my hand immediately went to the little dagger strapped to my thigh, hidden by my long coat. But when I looked around as Yolanda went on and on about the history of this building and the idea behind the design, I couldn't see anyone. But not seeing a threat meant nothing in my world, and if someone was observing me from the moment I came here… Something in my gut told me this wouldn't be an easy job.
That uneasy feeling spread all over my body, tightening around my heart, and I almost missed the beauty of the viridian walls in the common area, which was the first thing I saw the moment we stepped through the massive doors.
The tones of dark green and black spread throughout the foyer, leading toward the sitting area, or the common area as Yolanda had described it, and I didn't miss the curious looks of the two girls and one guy that were sitting on one of the sofas as we entered.
Yolanda paid them no attention as she led me toward the grand staircase located just next to the common area, while their eyes followed us. I had a million questions, but I had the feeling I wouldn't get any answers—at least not right now. It was obvious the building we were in wasn't as old as the Academy itself, regardless of the design and darkness clinging to its walls. There was so much history here, so much pain, but I didn't dare speak and instead I let Yolanda lead the way in silence.
There were no other people on the stairs or the hallway we had passed, but I had a feeling that even with this silence, the ghosts of the past lingered in these halls, screaming for us to hear them, and I wondered if Tyler had walked through these same hallways. Had he been mesmerized by the beauty of this place, so much so that he had missed the obvious dangers lurking from every single corner?
"This is you," Yolanda had announced as she stopped short in front of the large mahogany doors, with the number 1303 written on the panel right next to them. She fidgeted in her spot, looking anywhere but at me, and I couldn't have her questioning her decision to take me to their secret little party tonight.
"Yolanda." I touched her elbow with my free hand, plastering a smile on my face. "Thank you for showing me the way. It is nice having a friend in a new place."
"Yeah." She smiled weakly. "A friend. Uh, listen, about the?—"
"If you don't want me to come, I don't have to." Oh, I had to, but I didn't want to spook her. "I understand."
"No, no." She quickly shook her head. "It's not that. It's just… I'm afraid to go alone, but they are very strict, and I'm afraid I shouldn't be bringing you in with me if they haven't invited you."