She gave him a sharp look, because he’d done something very similar when it had come to Brianna. His issues had been compounded by being in charge of all of his siblings for so long, for the guilt he felt over Rocca’s death, but it was similar.

“I told him that if he didn’t go through with this, if he apologized in the next few weeks, I’d forgive him because I love him, but if I got over him before that happened, it was over for good, and he would be sorry.”

“And so he shall. Do you want me to fire him?”

Saverina blinked at her brother. It wasn’t a joke like killing him. He was dead serious. “Is he good at his job?”

“Naturally. He wouldn’t be in the position he is if he wasn’t.”

“Then it would be highly unethical of you to fire him.”

“I’ll be as unethical as I please for my baby sister. Hence the offer for murder as well.”

“Thank you, but no. I want...” Well, what she really wanted was for Teo to show up right now and confess his love for her and tell her he’d forget all about Dante and revenge. But she needed to accept that wasn’t going to happen. “It’s a normal thing to have your heart broken, and I want to go through normal things. So I’ll be sad and pout for a while, but I will get over him.”

“Of course you will. The offer for murder and firing stands forever, soru.”

She moved to hug him again. To feel the solid truth of family that would stand by your side no matter what. She’d been so lucky to have him, her other brothers and sisters. She’d never had to do any of this alone. “I’m just glad you’re home.”

She tried very hard to lean into the glad, and not fret about Teo not having anyone. She had left the door open for him. She could not make him walk through that door. So she could not be the company he needed, the love he needed, until he was willing to accept it.

“Come, I am hungry. Let us go have some cake,” Lorenzo said, giving her shoulders a squeeze. Because he knew cake was her favorite accessory to go with sadness.

But before they could get to the kitchen, Brianna was hurrying up the hall.

“There’s a very...wet, angry man at the door demanding to see Saverina,” Brianna said with some concern. “Should Lorenzo send him away?”

“Yes,” Lorenzo said in a low growl.

“No,” Saverina said, slapping a hand to her brother’s chest so he didn’t march toward the door.

Teo was here. He was... It had to mean something good. It had to. “I will handle this myself. If I need help disposing of a body, I shall ask for it.”

Lorenzo grunted. “Very well.”

Trying to keep her gait casual, slow, Saverina walked down the hall toward the entryway. When she arrived, Teo stood there. Dripping.

He was soaked through, hair plastered to his face, muddy splotches on the knees of his expensive pants. She had never seen him in such a state. And even though his expression was dark and serious, her heart soared.

“I went to your entrance, but Antonina said you were over here with your family. Good evening, Mr. Parisi. Mrs. Parisi.”

Saverina frowned and glanced over her shoulder. Lorenzo stood behind her, scowling. Brianna looked more curious than angry. But when Saverina gave her a pleading look, Brianna tugged on Lorenzo’s arm. “Come. We have much unpacking to do, and I am not feeling well enough to do it.”

Lorenzo’s scowl did not leave his face, but he looked from Teo to Saverina.

“Please,” she mouthed.

He grunted again, then turned on a heel and disappeared with Brianna. Saverina turned back to Teo.

“Is he going to kill me?” Teo asked calmly.

Saverina pretended to consider the question, then shrugged. “Probably.”

“Pity. I was just figuring out how to live.”

She looked up at his face, her heart fluttering against all better judgment. “Were you?” she whispered.

He crossed to her and reached out, touched her cheek with a gentleness he’d rarely shown. Certainly not while looking into her eyes like this.