Page 30 of Alpha Bond

He’s a damned fool!

It’s only a matter of time before his carelessness brings trouble. I won’t have that. Ican’thave that. This pack is all that I have. All I’ve ever had since…

“What is it?” Her voice is still hesitant. It bothers me that she’s still so cautious around me, though I shouldn’t give a fuck. She’ll be gone soon enough. Unless one of those assholes forges a bond with her. They’ve already been trying their luck. Banging at the door night and day. Driving me mad for a dozen different reasons that I don’t want to think about.

“Are you going to tell me what’s bothering you?” she presses.

“Nothing. I’m busy.” There’s no way I’m going to tell her that right now, I’m thinking thoughts that don’t belong in my head. Thoughts about Greyson Titer and how I’d be better at his job. A job I’ll never have as long as I don’t take a mate.

“Sierra Barr!” A voice accompanies a loud knock at the door.

For fuck’s sake. Not again!

It’s not lost on me that Sierra visibly cringes. Her reaction to the males who’ve approached her has seemed a little extreme. I keep wondering exactly what happened to her while she was held captive. There’s definitely more to her story than simply being picked up by a gang of rogue wolves.

“Go away, Tarkin Redburn!” I shout, tension hitting me like a wave.

“I’m not talking to you, Law.” He huffs. “I came for Sierra.”

“Sierra doesn’t want to speak to you,” I answer for her. She seems relieved. She always seems relieved when I step in and turn these males away.

“Sierra…” He’s not giving up. “I’m a good male. I have good prospects. I lead my own team. At least give me a chance to test for bond compatibility.”

“She’s not interested, Redburn.” I’ve risen to my feet, and my fists have bunched as I glare at the door.

“Goddammit, Law! Let the female speak for herself.”

I stalk to the door and yank it open, glaring at him. “You’re making an ass of yourself, Redburn.” A growl rumbles up my throat when he cranes his neck to look past me.

“Come on, Law. It’s not like you’re in with a chance. At least let the rest of us—”

“I said no!” I don’t know who’s more surprised when my hand snaps out, and I grab a fistful of the front of his shirt. “Now get your fucking eyes off my female unless you want to walk away from here holding them in your hand.”

“Yourfemale?” His brows lift.

“She’s in my care.Myresponsibility.” That’s all I mean. “Fuck off before I hurt you.” We lock eyes for a moment, and then he backs down. Probably because I’ve earned a reputation for being meaner than a snake when I’m crossed. And right now, I’m feeling crossed. Not to mention seriously pissed. This isn’t going to end for as long as she’s here. But the problem is that I’m growing more and more comfortable with having her around.

The burly male raises both hands and lowers his eyes in a gesture of submission. “You win,” he says. “But don’t think it’s going to stop just because you want her all to yourself…for whatever reason that may be.” He narrows his eyes on me.

“I don’t want her for myself.” I grit my teeth. “It’s my job to keep you fuckers away unless she changes her mind.” I jerk my head back, throwing a glance over my shoulder. “As you can see, she hasn’t changed her mind.”

Sierra is huddled on the far end of the bed; her knees pulled up against her chest, arms wrapped around them as she hugs herself. Terrified.


Without another word, I slam the door in his face.

“You okay?”

She nods slowly. “Just…just got a fright. That’s all.”

There’s more to it. I’m not blind. “Wanna talk about it?”

“No.” Her answer comes fast.

My lips twist as I stalk back to my seat. “He’s right. It’s not going to stop.” I flip pages impatiently. “Not till you’re gone. Or you pick one of them.”

“I don’t want—”