Page 22 of Alpha Bond

“You caused a shitstorm, Law!” says Greyson. “Now every unmated male in the pack’s been banging at my door.”

“Don’t lay this on me! You told me to look out for her. You never gave me specific instructions. I don’t see why she can’t just stay down in the village with one of the mated pairs.”

“Are you nuts, Law?” Casey’s looking at him as if he’s taken leave of his senses. “Put a stranger in with our pups? What if she’s dangerous? What if she’s just here as a ploy to get others of her kind into our stronghold? What if she’s diseased? That fever of hers is—”

“Hey!” I interrupt sharply. “I’m standing right here.”

They all turn to look at me. Casey shows no sign of remorse for what she just said about me.

“Right…of course.” Greyson looks sheepish. “Sorry, honey. How are you doing today?”

His question catches me off guard. “I…I’m good, thanks. Just—”

“She’s not good. She’s sick. She didn’t take her damn meds, and I was heading back to the doc to get her checked out again.” Jagger looks seriously pissed.

“I don’t need checking out again! Just get me back to your room, and I’ll take my goddamn medicine. You’re making a big deal about nothing.”

“There’s no time for that now.” Greyson steps in. “I’ve already called for a meeting. The others will be gathering in the square. I’ll ring up Doctor Bea and have her bring something down. She can look you over again when she gets there.”

“I don’t need to be looked over!” I try not to sound too mutinous, but it’s not easy when everyone around me seems set on pushing me around. Greyson gives a benign smile and pats me on the shoulder as he moves past. He’s already focusing on the mobile phone in his hand. I hear him rattling off instructions as he heads out the door, and then, for the umpteenth time since I met the man, I’m running after Jagger-freaking-Law.

The buildings around us are a curious blend of ramshackle sheds and improvised dwellings, all boasting carefully tended window boxes filled with leafy plants. I recognize some as lettuce and spinach and remember that Jagger said they grow their own food.

We did, too, back in Wildview, and it makes my chest tighten.

“Keep up.” Casey aims a hard look at me as I hesitate beside a structure that has bright flowers beneath its windows. We’re on the edge of a wide-open space that’s bustling with bodies and chattering voices. As we arrive, I feel the weight of countless eyes land on me. Greyson leads our small party along the outskirts toward a raised wooden platform that looks out over the square. And now I’m really under scrutiny.


“People of Steel Lakes,” Greyson calls out. There’s instant silence. “I’ve called you here today to meet our newest guest.” He turns to me, and I feel myself being nudged forward. “Sierra Barr comes to us from the Uplands.” The crowd murmurs. I take them in. There must be at least a hundred males standing in front of us. Among them, I spot what could be a couple of dozen females. And the scent of alpha is almost overwhelming. I’ve never seen so many in one place before. In fact, I’ve never encountered a pack this size.

How do they do it?

Greyson is talking again. “I know we will welcome Sierra with our customary hospitality.”

“Is she joining the pack?” A voice breaks out from the crowd, and Greyson turns in the direction of the sound.

“She’s just resting up, Tarkin Redburn,” Greyson addresses him.

“For how long?” Tarkin has stepped away from the others, and although he’s talking to their alpha, he’s looking at me. I fight down the urge to tell him that I have no intention of staying.

“Until she’s recovered from her ordeal.”

“What ordeal?” someone else calls out.

Greyson glances at me. “That is Sierra Barr’s business.” It occurs to me that he knows what happened to me; Jagger would have told him. I’m grateful that he allows me some privacy in this, but I find myself staring down at my feet. Which are still bare. It makes me feel vulnerable, and without realizing it, I find myself backing up to where Jagger is standing nearby. I get so close that I can feel his warmth.

“Why can’t she stay?” It’s Tarkin again.

“I can’t speak for her,” Greyson replies. “And I will urge you not to press her on this matter.”

“But she’s unmated.” It’s another voice now, and I flinch as I recognize the male from the canteen.

“Her status is her own business too, Gage Heller.”

“But an unmated female can’t be left to wander alone,” Gage goes on. “It’s not safe out there.”

Suddenly, it doesn’t feel safe in here, either. I hate the way he looks at me. In fact, I hate the way all of them look at me. Flashes of Rack’s face swim before my eyes, and I sway. My shoulders brush up against Jagger’s chest. He doesn’t move. And I like that.