Page 14 of Alpha Bond

Dammit, pull yourself together, Sierra.

“Orders for what?” the woman says. She’s taller than I am, with rich auburn hair pulled back into a sleek ponytail above catlike eyes that take me in. There’s such guarded animosity in them that I wonder if she shares a connection with the male I’m half-clinging to. I put distance between us, not wanting to risk provoking an attack. I’m just here till I can rest up and get strong enough to make it out on my own, for God’s sake. I’m no threat to any connections that have formed.

“Orders to take her to the medic bay, Casey,” Jagger explains. “She’s…not well,” he adds. The female called Casey eyes me with flared nostrils.

“I can see that. But why’s she here?” She’s still talking as if I don’t have a voice of my own. Her nostrils flare again, and I try not to flinch. There’s no point in fighting this. We’re wolves, after all. My arrival will be met with a flurry of posturing and scenting until they’re comfortable that I’m not a threat. Though if this woman tries to sniff my butt, alpha or not, I’m going to crack her in the head.

“I found her while I was out on patrol. She needs help.” Jagger shrugs.

“So, what…now you’re a nursemaid?”

“Guess so,” he responds, making me bristle some more.

I don’t need a freaking nursemaid!

I’m just about to state this sharply when we’re joined by yet another towering shifter. Once again, I shrink back behind Jagger. I’ve never been in a pack with so many dominant wolves. How the hell do they avoid constant conflict?

“I heard the news,” the newcomer says, subjecting me to the same scrutiny the female had just delivered. His head dips forward as he sniffs me openly. Jagger flexes, and I don’t bother hiding the fact that I’m hanging onto his clothes now. This new male makes visions of Rack swirl in my head.

“I’m taking her to the medic bay.” Jagger’s voice is little more than a growl. The other male backs away, and I feel my breath ease out. Jagger turns to glare around at the others. “Back off,” he grits out. “The female needs care. And rest. You’ll get the answers you’re looking for from Titer come morning.”

Without a sound, the other wolves melt away until just the female remains.

“I don’t like this, Law.” Her jaw works as she continues to eye me. “We don’t have room for strangers here.”

“I don’t like this any more than you do.” His words leave me feeling strangely hollow. “But we were all strangers once; that’s what Steel Lakes is about. She needs our help. We’ll figure the details out later. Leave me be.”

“This isn’t over. We’ll discuss this in the morning.” Cold eyes travel over me once more, and then she turns and stalks away.

What the hell?

I have no doubt that this is no ordinary pack, and part of me wants to know more. Makes sense since I’m right in the middle of all of it. My mind races with questions about their hierarchy, their customs, and what Jagger’s role might be within it all. At first, I’d simply assumed he was their leader, but meeting the older male put an end to that. I can’t help but wonder if he’s not their leader, why?

As we walk through the pack’s territory, I find myself stealing glances at Jagger. What kind of man chooses to abstain from physical intimacy? And how does he resist the urge?

“Stop staring,” Jagger says suddenly, startling me out of my thoughts.

“Sorry,” I mumble, averting my eyes. It’s clear he wants to keep his distance, but curiosity burns within me, making it difficult to let go of the questions that plague my mind.

As we continue our journey, the other pack members seem to be keeping busy even though it’s late at night. Despite my curiosity about Jagger’s past and the pack’s dynamics, I can’t help but feel a certain warmth from the energy around me. These people have made a home here. It’s not like my own – or what’s left of it – but there’s something special in this place. A sense of community. I can feel it.

“Here we are,” Jagger announces, stopping in front of a modest building clad in sheet metal. Like the others in the area, it seems to be some sort of industrial shed. The scent of herbs and medication fills the air as we enter.

Inside, Jagger leads me through the various rooms, each well-appointed, considering how unassuming the place seemed. Shifters aren’t susceptible to illness, but these ones have made sure they have medical care. It makes me wonder why. But then again, I’m grateful for it now. At least I think I am.

“Wait here,” Jagger says, leaving me in a small examination room. The walls are lined with shelves full of neatly labeled bottles and jars.

I take a moment to gather my thoughts. My determination to heal and protect myself keeps me steady, even as I wonder how much I can trust these strangers.

When Jagger returns, his expression is unreadable, and I brace myself for whatever comes next. I know my eyes are wide as I continue to stare around me.

“Curious?” Jagger comments, watching me take in my surroundings.

“Can you blame me?” I retort, not wanting to seem weak or vulnerable. “You haven’t exactly been forthcoming with information.”

“True.” He shrugs. “But you know enough for now.”

His words draw out a swirl of resentment. These people are guarded. Nothing like those I left behind me. If I left any at all. I swallow down the lump in my throat. I have to focus on my own healing and survival.