Page 66 of Alpha Bond

“You’re back early.” Casey’s got a backpack slung over one shoulder, and she hikes it up. It’s heavy. If I know her, it’s loaded with hardware. Shifters don’t need weapons, but in human form, she likes to stack the odds in her favor.

“Got everything done,” I mutter. I can’t seem to find the energy to put a spark into my voice.

“What? I would have thought you’d be grabbing a chance to fit in some naked pushups with Sierra before we headed out to certain death. Unless you only needed a minute to do that,” she smirks.

I fix her with a dark glare. “Not now, Stone.” I glance at Heller, who’s pushing open the door. He seems to be oblivious to the conversation behind him. Or perhaps he’s staying politely uninvolved. I wish Casey would, too, but I know that’s not her style. Danger brings out her inner asshole.

“Ah. You’re back.” Callum looks up from his desk. “I’ve drawn up a list of our strongest fighters and assigned them to specific tasks.”

“Good thinking.” I nod. “When can we move?”

“As soon as you’re ready.” Callum eyes us standing in a half-circle in front of his desk. Casey sets her backpack down heavily on the chair facing the desk while Heller stands silently, his face cold and unreadable. I decide that he’s not simply being polite; he’s focusing on the prospect of what he’s about to do.

“I’m going to go on ahead,” he says, confirming my suspicions. “It’ll be better if I’m not seen with you if you’re spotted by anyone.”

“Smart,” says Casey, giving him a thumbs up. “Keep in comms, and we’ll meet up with you when you get out.”

“I’ll stay in touch from inside.” He taps his earlobe, where a sheer cord snakes almost invisibly around the back of his ear. When he tugs a baseball cap over his head, it’s completely undetectable. “I’m going to get along now.” He shoves his hands into the pockets of a heavy overcoat and jerks his head in farewell as he turns to leave.

“Gage,” I stop him. He looks at me. “Good luck.”

He nods, then heads for the door.

I wonder if we’ll ever see him again. But it’s a thought I can’t dwell on.

“Let’s get to it,” I say to the others.

It takes another hour for us to gather everyone together and relay the plans to them. And then we’re heading out along the rough paving and through the heavy metal doors and out into the world beyond. I’ve done this a thousand times before, but today it feels different.

Itisdifferent. Today, we face a fight that could cost us everything.

We set off in silence, only the sound of boots on gravel breaking the silence. A brisk wind toys with dry leaves and batters withered scrub bush as we make our way onto the plain surrounding Steel Lakes.

“Dude! What the fuck is wrong with you?” Casey is looking at me.

“You mean aside from the fact that we’re going to war?” I keep my eyes focused forward. We’re cutting a new path back to Rack’s lair, and the route is less familiar than the ones I normally take through this region. I need to pay attention.

“A month ago, that would have made you happy. What changed your mind?”

“Nothing did. I’m fine.”

“No, you’re not. This morning, you bounded out of your apartment, reeking of happiness and sex juice. Now you look like someone just shot your dog.”

I scowl at her. “Shifters don’t keep dogs, Stone. Conflict of interest.”

“Stop avoiding the topic. Are you worried about leaving your mate?” It’s the first time she’s actually acknowledged Sierra that way. Pity it’s happened now that I’m rethinking the whole fucking farce.

“I don’t want to talk about it.” I trudge grimly forward. We’re a few yards ahead of the others, but there’s still a good chance they can hear us.

“So instead, you’ll just stew about it in silence?”

“For fuck’s sake, Casey! Will you shut the fuck up?!” I practically yell. My nerves are strung as taut a tightrope, and her banter might be keeping the edge off her anxiety, but it’s driving me nuts.

“Sheesh.” She rolls her eyes. “Touchy.”

Thankfully, she drops the subject. And just as she’d predicted, I stew.

The memories of last night are vivid; every touch, every breath, etched into my mind like an indelible scar. I’d felt a connection with Sierra, a bond that went beyond the physical. It was almost as if we merged together, our hearts intertwined, creating a harmony that had never existed before.